Males and Females

So two days ago I got kinda drunk in the 24/7 bar but it was like, 11 in the morning so there was still the entire day ahead of me and I thought ok, let's go see my bitch. So I went to the city and stopped by with this kung-pao I acquired in the local pan-asian necrofood shitshop. I told the guy dude kung-pao but I like mine spicy and he went you like your spicy and I went yes. The thing with this shop is that they're ultrafast with the preparation of the food and not surprisingly it is then kinda raw. The veggies in the meal seem to be just cut and not properly made and shit. Well it took them like a minute and the guy was like, have a tea while we prepare it. And I said well no bro I'd rather an Urquell. So he gave me an Urquell and I finished it before they prepared the food but that was really like a minute so the guy was quite surprised.

But the reason I'm saying this is that I went to my girlfriend's place and I really murdered everything with the sauce because they give you the food in those white plastic cases and as I was drunk I held it like an idiot and I went straight to her bed and left a trail of this oily sauce behind me. We then learned that this essence of orient cannot really be cleaned up so there's now stains around her place. She was like "I told you not to come here when you're drunk! You're annoying, drunk and you smell like shit". Yeah yeah I really had some beers and the 24/7 bar smell just doesn't leave you on your way out. It sticks.
Talking to a new girl on okcupid. Been getting messages from attractive ones at a rate of about one a month lately, which is cool. Pretty sure my emotional issues are still too much of a handful to risk adding a girl's to the mix (and I know I'd be getting fewer messages if my profile didn't obscure the fact that I'm doing unpaid work), but the attention at least keeps my mental self-image from resembling the forever alone meme.
I was suffering some pretty serious depression following the collapse of my last relationship and I gotta say that going out and fucking a bunch of girls really helped. YMMV but for me it was a good way to get out of the house and get some social contact, which I wasn't really getting much of, plus a boost to my self-confidence and of course the sex was nice too.

Also, if nothing on your profile is an outright lie you're fine. Everyone presents their best self online.
People should post pro and con lists about themselves on those sites. Get it all out on the table.
Yea profiles are shit. Some people have terrific profiles, like a shitty business card or resume on how impossibly wonderful they are. I can;t do that

I've really learned the system though, memorizing my bullshit lines, getting to know them. That I could always do. The maintenance blows though, the dates are awful, always handling the crushing boredom that comes with being a cog in someone else’s machine just to get laid. That’s the part that freaks me out. Once I get there I almost don;t want to be there. But fuck it I dress up to look nice or normal, maintain the ego and shackle myself to this illusion.
Still learning the system because I hate playing the system.

I hate being fake, I like being real. I just want to tell bitches how it is and not waste my time, but that gets me no where except looking like a creep or an asshole, so I try playing the game, which I hate, so I suck at it and come off awkward most of the time.

The online dating struggle is real.
The key for me is to tell the truth and bs them at the same time; nothing is real, it's all an illusion anyway. Tell them something they've never heard before but maintain the status quo and feed them the shit they're dying to hear. As long as they're emotional with you it doesn't matter if it's love or hate because you can flip that shit anytime you want.
Pros: Really open about my cons
Cons: I'm overly proud of my pros

That's basically what mine would say but a more detailed list haha