Males and Females

Question out there for any of you who have done a long distance thing: Do you make it an open relationship; play don't ask, don't tell; or try to stay monogamous and hope your partner is as well?

I had a 'long distance relationship'. It was okay. It was open. Ended when I went to university (despite moving closer, eh). We still get on fine.

But I've never been drawn to psychos and retards, which seems to make the likelihood of a messy break up incredibly small.
Question out there for any of you who have done a long distance thing: Do you make it an open relationship; play don't ask, don't tell; or try to stay monogamous and hope your partner is as well?

The latter.

However she cheated on me so it was moot. I should've nailed a broad and "accidentally" buttdialled her just to be ignorant.
I have a thing for white trash motherfuckers that manage to be simultaneously wise and dumb. And they added a new season to Netflix, woo!


Nah, we did some texting for a bit but now she's either ignoring me or blocked me. Oh well.

I am meeting a 41 year old asian broad this weekend. She's an 8 but she's down to mingle.