Males and Females

I texted the broad I've recently been seeing but got no response. I guess me hating on shitty comics and opening up my love of beer was too much for her. This is fine, as I was going to tell her that I didn't foresee anything arising from this. She didn't jostle my loins and doesn't like metal, but she did like Seinfeld.

Oh well. Whatever.

Also, I don't think I can be with a girl that can't split a 12 pack with me while blasting the newest Midnight album...
Also, I don't think I can be with a girl that can't split a 12 pack with me while blasting the newest Midnight album...
Most chicks I try getting acquainted with don't like beer too much. Either they find it gross or they're obsessed with being as skinny as possible.
Twelve pack? Shame you guys don't have Canadian Cold Shots. 6% beers in eight-packs for ten bucks even.

Get two eight-packs and you'll be set for the night. Thirteen for you and three for the bitty.
you need to find a girl who enjoys beer. who cares if she's not the skinniest girl around, she'll at least probably have big tits (and more importantly, she'll like beer).
No girl I've met enjoys beer, except for one. And before meeting my gf, she was a no-go because my best male friend had dated her for two years. Oops.
I've been able to get my girlfriend to love beer. She drinks pretty much anything except IPAs, which is fine with me. Just had to show her what good beer tastes like
Beer is good but I think most girls, including myself, would rather drink something else (especially if we're out and not at home) because it's too darn filling! Honestly, a lot of times I've puked from alochol it was because I had beer and felt way too full afterwards. That thing is like a meal!

Whiskey I could drink all day though.

Edit: @prophet, well hey in that case I hope you get laid man! Yolo and such you sound like you already know the deal so it's cool.
Think y'all need to find new crowds of women. Pretty much all the chicks I know prefer beer. Then again they've all had issues with harder liquor in the past and beer is like a shaky truce with their alcoholism. Nobody I know drinks non-beer unless its a special occasion.

I, myself, prefer vast quantities of beer and a banana or two. Something about beer and bananas makes for an excellent inebriation devoid of sickness or any other perceivable negative consequence.
Beer guts to an extent on women are sexy.

I dont know Ive ever been with a woman that didnt like beer...That would be a waste of time.

Only heavy metal vomit parties where you drink a thousand beers is real.