Males and Females

Well I have a bone to pick with that. The woman from The Devils Blood is hideous and their albums are awesome. I'm not a big fan of her though. Much rather get with Alia O'Brien from Blood Ceremony, musically and uhmmm... Dickly.
Well yeah, she is in the supreme minority of being an attractive metal performer

Supreme minority? If you're talking only about the women, I'd have a harder time thinking of ones who aren't attractive. Hell, it's not exactly hard to think of men who are far from ugly.
Yeah, I fucking love their first EP (totem) and their first album, but the second one took a while to click. Still not my favorite, but solid. Kinda reminds of Ghost, assuming that the new Ghost album is as good as Circus or whatever that song is called.
Supreme minority? If you're talking only about the women, I'd have a harder time thinking of ones who aren't attractive. Hell, it's not exactly hard to think of men who are far from ugly.

You're going to say that metal is a demographic where more attractive people play music than ugly ones?
but that isn't a bad thing.

You're going to say that metal is a demographic where more attractive people play music than ugly ones?

That's not what he said.

All of the women I can think of are average or what lots of people what deem attractive. Providing things like long hair, beards and tattoos don't put someone off then I think you can say the same for most of the male musicians too.

There's a higher proportion of ugly metal musicians than pop singers, but you can say the same about classical, jazz or rock musicians and hip hop artists.

I bet there's a study out there somewhere showing that musicians (who tend to be slightly more 'intelligent') are more attractive in general, regardless of the type of music they make.