Males and Females

If you're into the fat black male, hip hop artists are probably pretty good.

There are a lot of pretty upper class women in classical music.

Female metal singers are usually in "gay" operatic bands.
I'm not saying Jex Thoth are shit, I own their records myself, but holy fuck the hype around them is sickening sometimes.
Jex Thoth take themselves too seriously imo. If I want Sabbath-y psychedelic retro doom shenanigans with a female singer I generally go for the first two Blood Ceremony albums.
Not quite the same thing as Jex or Blood Ceremony, but female vocal Sabbath worship doesn't quite get any better than Witch Mountain.

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What you said was that attractive people were a "supreme" minority among metal musicians, when obviously that's not the case.

You refuted my "supreme minority" by saving "I can pick out more attractive ones than ugly ones!"

So uh, that's not refuting how much a minority they are, but in fact saying that there are more attractive ones than ugly ones.
You refuted my "supreme minority" by saving "I can pick out more attractive ones than ugly ones!"

So uh, that's not refuting how much a minority they are, but in fact saying that there are more attractive ones than ugly ones.

When it comes to female performers, yes, I can pick out more attractive ones than ugly ones. I did not say the same about men, since I am less fit to judge in that regard. I merely said that it's not hard to find men who are far from ugly, when you were suggesting that attractive people of either gender are exceedingly rare.
I'm officially a creepy old lady. Saw some hot kid buying smokes and he was like 20, but damned if I wouldn't corrupt the shit out of that child. He was all long hair little rocker guy with leather gauntlets. Dawww, he thinks he's heavy. He thinks he's brutal.

SLAPPITY SLAP BABY BOY. Get a fucking job.
Witch Mountain's art is exactly the reason I've never checked them out, you fucking mongoloid, hahaha.
I wish more women would get involved with True Doom honestly, Mourn to me are the best example of "female fronted" Doom Metal.
They all seem drawn to the style that's more about how you're dressed.

If you're into the fat black male, hip hop artists are probably pretty good.

There are a lot of pretty upper class women in classical music.

Female metal singers are usually in "gay" operatic bands.

Irish/Celtic Folk tends to have many a pretty lass in it's ranks.

Jex Thoth take themselves too seriously imo. If I want Sabbath-y psychedelic retro doom shenanigans with a female singer I generally go for the first two Blood Ceremony albums.

I usually don't ever want that and honestly what made me give Jex Thoth a chance was Sami Hynninen's support of them as well as his art.
Witch Mountain's art is exactly the reason I've never checked them out, you fucking mongoloid, hahaha.

I second the Second Grave recommendation. Are they ever going to come out with more material? I'll have to check out Castle sometime.

Also, @tagradh the whole "attractiveness= more intelligence" and vice versa argument doesn't sound right and actually sounds to me like pseudoscience. I find it extremely hard to believe the two have anything to do with each other. I mean... Think about the intelligent people of our time. Not that they are unattractive by any means but some of them many people wouldn't consider them particularly attractive.