Males and Females

i don't get the hairy armpits thing. don't women want to feel feminine?

I agree that it is MUCH more attractive and am pretty turned off if they don't, but what about it is it inherently feminine? Sexual dimorphism, sure, but doesn't nature naturally do that on its own? Is society exaggerating this phenomenon (Not that I have a problem with it, just feeling philosophical this morning)
I mean feminine as according to society. I see the media pushing against traditional roles for men and women but I think it's complicated and weird. I'm not sure I see the point in it in a way.
Just saw this. Goddamn, Cody. I can sympathize. I'm such a drunk that whiskey dick is a pervasive aspect of my life. Shit sucks.

Also, pro-armpit hair on angelic ladies like her 100%. Nicely landscaped full bush as well. Anyone that disagrees is a poseur.
I don't really get the big deal about armpit hair. In a sociology 101 class we were watching some bleh video about Grateful Dead fans for the students too retarded to understand what a subculture is without visual demonstration, and at one point there was a scene where some dreadlocked hippie girl raises her arms revealing a hairy pit. The entire class said "Eww!" in unison, and I thought I had dosed off and missed something she said until a girl behind me said "Like omg, shave those pits you freak!" My prof said that every semester, most of the class reacts at that particular part. Being homeschooled had its benefits.
As a woman I think only certain women can pull off hairy pits, Jex is one of them for sure! It's like, a nice color too, is that weird to say? Haha anyway yeah we totally should have kicked it w Jex. Fuck I'm regretting not putting my foot down on that one. I was way too stoned though.

Man what is this with the no armpit hair, though? I don't know a girl who I haven't seen at least a sprout once in awhile. Shit happens. Also, on her personality it works.

I remember during her set when she took off her cape, though, all the dudes started whistling and applauding. I didn't get much of a look at her but from what could tell she's pretty attractive.