Males and Females

Re-linking it ate the other post when editing.

Yeah I saw that bit too. Dubious about that even. Better looking than most on the site.

On a couple other dating sites now and damn if there aint some anti-gamer sentiment. I'd be fine backing off it for sure if I met someone and it got serious but what's with all the hate? Too many guys ignoring their ladies to game or simply disliking the mere idea of it?

Probly too outdoorsy, but seems cool:
No way she's 30:
Fill yo profile out girl (but cute!):

Edit: Should Mort chime in on this one?

Go for the one who didn't fill out her profile. People who fill out their profiles are trying too hard to convince you of who they are instead of showing you through a conversation.
^That feeling when it's obvious someone has a "type."

I've been told I like women who would look like my sister (if I had one) o_O

Go for the one who didn't fill out her profile. People who fill out their profiles are trying too hard to convince you of who they are instead of showing you through a conversation.

Already did for all of em. I don't much like the shotgun approach IRL but might as well with online.
I've found that people without full profiles or partially completed ones have a profile just to fuck around and aren't serious about meeting up.
My game is so fucking terrible lately. Ive developed a deeper connection with alcohol than women.

For example, on multiple times at MDF Jex Thoth was hitting on me. I blew her off completely both times, but I didnt know what I was doing because I was so fucking HAMMERED.

Still kicking myself for that.
She is pretty sexy though, don't dig the armpit thing. She and the band slept in the same hotel as me and Schmidt, maybe we could have eiffel tower'd her in retrospect
I dunno she was married to a guy but they got divorced and left the band, I don't think she's on social media or anything so don't know much about her.
Kafka playing the negging game hard. Next time you see her, you can practically marry her.
If I were more into women... I could never be with a chick who walks around the crowd in a cape stomping out incense. Shit weirded me the fuck out. But maybe I should blame the silent ass crowd.
My game is so fucking terrible lately. Ive developed a deeper connection with alcohol than women.

For example, on multiple times at MDF Jex Thoth was hitting on me. I blew her off completely both times, but I didnt know what I was doing because I was so fucking HAMMERED.

Still kicking myself for that.

Wow, that's awesome and shitty at the same time.