Males and Females

and I'm usually referred as Koger. Whatever "privilege" I have is because I've actively put myself in situations where I've had to learn how to talk with people on a day-to-day basis. Every job I've had has dealt with the public constantly. I took a public speaking class and an acting class in college to get over stage fright.

I'm not the most attractive guy; I'm okay. But I've learned to converse. Normally, I'm misanthropic and antisocial. I don't give a shit about most people. Which is why I did online dating because I'm not good at approaching people. But I've learned how to hold a conversation and show an interest in a person (sometimes genuine, sometimes not). I can count on one hand the number of girls I've dated (five) and the number I've slept with (two of those five). There is no "game." There's only the individual. Looking at it like a game only devalues the concept of a relationship and sees people as winners or losers.
My favirite pornstar doesn't do anal videos. In one video the guy stuck a thumb up her ass but that just won't do. I will have to shoot myself and my family.
And I found out that one of my fave male pornstars that I considered to be a gentleman who marries every girl he stuffs in a movie - also screws guys :(
I had a dream that I was watching anal porn where the guy pulled out and a trickle of blood flowed from her anus. I woke up, thankfully without an erection. I don't mind anal in porn but it doesn't do much for me.
I've slept with a bunch of girls so I guess I'll weigh in on game: it's about presenting your best self. Don't lie about who you are, just try to show your best aspects and avoid situations that will expose your worst. There's nothing deceptive about it - it's the social equivalent of posing for a picture.
I come at men very aggressively with equal parts romance and intimidation. Wrote my dude poetry when we first got together, showed up with an adventure bag and beer, shit like that. I'm always shocked it isn't the creepiest thing ever because I half laugh the whole time about how scary I am, but damned if it hasn't always worked.

I think my unapologetic expression of self is a turn on or something. No shame here. Pretty good rule of thumb, being yourself.
I don't think that's deceptive. Showcasing the good and avoiding the bad is how you have a pleasant interaction. Having more good interactions with people is how you get more good stuff to share, anyway. Any given person could have tons of stuff to share good and bad, but most of it will either be irrelevant to the other person or unpleasant.

But that's different from doing stuff like negging, or showing a level of interest different from the one you have in order to make the other person do more work to keep you interested.

I come at men very aggressively with equal parts romance and intimidation. Wrote my dude poetry when we first got together, showed up with an adventure bag and beer, shit like that. I'm always shocked it isn't the creepiest thing ever because I half laugh the whole time about how scary I am, but damned if it hasn't always worked.

I think my unapologetic expression of self is a turn on or something. No shame here. Pretty good rule of thumb, being yourself.

I definitely consider it a good sign when women take the initiative with their interest. It shows they're self-aware, independent, and go for what they want. Helpless insecure women are such a turnoff.
I don't give a shit about most people. Which is why I did online dating because I'm not good at approaching people.

I have the same issue. I think I can talk quite well when there's a good topic and I have no trouble joining ongoing conversation, but I really suck at approaching people. My problem is that I hate small talk, talking about general stuff. It bores me to death. But it's hard to find an interesting topic if you don't know nothing about the person, but you can't know anything if you don't speak with him/her. Stupid loop.
But that's different from doing stuff like negging, or showing a level of interest different from the one you have in order to make the other person do more work to keep you interested.

People talk about make up being deception, but would pretty likely practice or even defend this kind of shit.

Also how fucking self-absorbed do you have to be to assume that make up is deception?
Women wear make-up and attractive clothes for themselves, damn it! Keep your leering eyes away, men!

(unless we're hating on unrealistic beauty standards, in which case women wear make-up because they're forced to by a male-dominated society)
I've slept with a bunch of girls so I guess I'll weigh in on game: it's about presenting your best self. Don't lie about who you are, just try to show your best aspects and avoid situations that will expose your worst. There's nothing deceptive about it - it's the social equivalent of posing for a picture.

I have the same issue. I think I can talk quite well when there's a good topic and I have no trouble joining ongoing conversation, but I really suck at approaching people. My problem is that I hate small talk, talking about general stuff. It bores me to death. But it's hard to find an interesting topic if you don't know nothing about the person, but you can't know anything if you don't speak with him/her. Stupid loop.

That's why you do something fun, instead of doing something boring and being forced to make conversation. Its a lot easier to find something to talk about if, say, you're on the same beer pong team or building a bonfire together. Actions speak louder than words anyways, and the distraction will put you both at ease.

Also @Vimana thanks for the props. Feels good to be a gangsta.
What would you use?

I think it is deceptive, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, so I don't agree.

People talk about make up being deception, but would pretty likely practice or even defend this kind of shit.

Also how fucking self-absorbed do you have to be to assume that make up is deception?

I don't understand why you spun the statement in a different direction. Make up is definitely deceptive and I don't really give it a value judgment, sure it makes uglier people look better so they can feel better but it's still deception
I'm big on no/low makeup. I just dig the more natural look even it doesnt achieve the seductive or whatever desired effect is. Probably mostly for other women TBH.