Males and Females

I'm not good at parties. I'm not good at situations that involve dancing and I'm not good at situations that involve large numbers of people. So I'll ask a girl to a quiet bar, because that lends itself to a situation in which I can be more impressive. First impressions are huge - you gotta set yourself up for success. Do that correctly and you won't need any tactics or stratagems - you just gotta be yourself and she'll see you being chill and wanna suck your dick.

Note that this doesn't necessarily mean you have to be good at everything. I'm pretty good at being bad at things in a way that women find cute.
Since there isn't a video to do me justice;

AMY: I had a feeling this was to good to be true.


AMY: I knew there had to be another side to you.

JERRY: No, no, there's no side!

AMY: There is a side, an ugly side.

JERRY: No, no, no ugly side.
I'm not good at parties. I'm not good at situations that involve dancing and I'm not good at situations that involve large numbers of people. So I'll ask a girl to a quiet bar, because that lends itself to a situation in which I can be more impressive. First impressions are huge - you gotta set yourself up for success. Do that correctly and you won't need any tactics or stratagems - you just gotta be yourself and she'll see you being chill and wanna suck your dick.

Note that this doesn't necessarily mean you have to be good at everything. I'm pretty good at being bad at things in a way that women find cute.


:devil: (but seriously, I'm curious)
How come you don't like that? Most men would like a woman who fucks other women.
Because it's simply not the same thing, might be an aesthetic aspect or something else. I heard all women are some sort of bisexual, not guys though. I just don't want to see that...

Some women look better without makeup, too.
Not a single girl looks better without makeup, unfortunately.. If she does - it means she doesn't know how to use makeup.
I'm big on no/low makeup. I just dig the more natural look even it doesnt achieve the seductive or whatever desired effect is. Probably mostly for other women TBH.

Gonna agree here. I'm not anti-makeup entirely, but it seems like most women use too much. Do some stuff with the eyes and lips and call it good. Trying to hide "blemishes" doesn't work.
If I met The Ozzman in real life, I would never call him Mike, only "Ozz". That's who he is to me.

That's been my irl nickname for years. I like to be introduced by my legal first name though. After that it's whatever.

If I met Ozzman IRL I'd probably just call him faggot all the time because he's a faggot. Faggot.

Yeah you wouldn't.
Gonna agree here. I'm not anti-makeup entirely, but it seems like most women use too much. Do some stuff with the eyes and lips and call it good. Trying to hide "blemishes" doesn't work.

Now one thing I will completely contradict myself on is grooming. I like a girl to keep her hair in good order what with the hair products and such. No particular styles, dyes or anything special just clean/quality/pristine/<insert appropriate word here> natural looking hair.
That post turned out to go in a different direction than I initially assumed.
I can't sleep so I guess I could reminisce about girls that friendzoned me in high school. It's not like I blame them, but I will hardly have so many 17 year old lady friends again so it's nice to think about that time when the only worries were where to get alcohol and falling in love with spoiled chicks from school.

First one I remember, and maybe this is not chronological, but she was a uber cunt so I mention her first, was this girl with bad teeth and her eyes so close together that upon closing to her face you could only really see one eye and the rest of the face around that eye inverted. My gay friend used to call her Felicia because that was the model of the most common car around at that time. Evil tongues spew she had body no good but don't you listen. The thing about 17 year old girls is that even if there's a seedling of chubby bellies and butt cellulite in their DNA it doesn't really show yet on the outside and all you get is a round butt still tight and a pussy that smells like a fancy boutique where love condensed is sold in flasks. She had a boyfriend with dirt under his fingernails and, coincidentally, a red Felicia in which he always took her home from school. She wanted to hang out with me a lot even after she sucked my cock one time and then immediately told that moron, and I was a boy in love so I always went. She had a shitty small dog and we would take that piece of shit to the fucking forest and she would tell me to rate her ass. Her ass was good. Once I took her to my grandmother's place under the pretense of watering my nan's cyperus, as those drink a lot you know, and she laid in bed with me. When I started touching her, she made a run for it so she obviously thought that we would just lie down or something. What a bitch.

I could go on with another one but I need to shit so fuck off.
Re-linking it ate the other post when editing.

may also have a penis, being as she says she's trans. dunno if that's a dealbreaker for you or not. Isn't atlanta basically black anyway?

Yeah I saw that bit too. Dubious about that even. Better looking than most on the site.

On a couple other dating sites now and damn if there aint some anti-gamer sentiment. I'd be fine backing off it for sure if I met someone and it got serious but what's with all the hate? Too many guys ignoring their ladies to game or simply disliking the mere idea of it?

Probly too outdoorsy, but seems cool:
No way she's 30:
Fill yo profile out girl (but cute!):

Edit: Should Mort chime in on this one?