Males and Females

Went on a date tonight. It went well. She already texted me two hours after the date to try and set up another one. I'll get back to her tomorrow.
Fuck games. If a girl is more attracted to me the longer I ignore her, I just forget about her entirely. If you can't be yourself without filtering and be liked by a person doing the same, why bother? Just to gain some semblance of self-worth by feeling worthy of a person's interest without a real connection?
zabu of nΩd;11009431 said:
Went on a date tonight. It went well. She already texted me two hours after the date to try and set up another one. I'll get back to her tomorrow.


Glad to hear that being wiped out from MDF didn't affect your game.
Never understood these "games" really. My fiancee said one of the things that immediately attracted her was when she gave me her number (we met online), I called her that evening. I didn't text. I called. I showed interest and initiative
I feel like the dating world is dominated by people more interested in and better at "getting" people than developing relationships. Since people who have long-term relationships are meeting people less since they're staying with people more, they're invisible to the people more or less constantly on the prowl.
You guys wear your privilege on your sleeve tbh. Its easy to pooh-pooh game when you've already got what you want out of women.
I feel like the dating world is dominated by people more interested in and better at "getting" people than developing relationships. Since people who have long-term relationships are meeting people less since they're staying with people more, they're invisible to the people more or less constantly on the prowl.

People work on game with easier targets and try out lots of candidates to find the best long term partner possible. Elitist as it may sound there is often such a thing as upgrading your partner. Not saying I do this, but I can see why others do it. I usually stick with the first decent candidate I find until they get too crazy/annoying before moving on.
zabu of nΩd;11009773 said:
You guys wear your privilege on your sleeve tbh. Its easy to pooh-pooh game when you've already got what you want out of women.

I've only banged one girl and have never had a serious relationship. I ain't got no game fool.