Males and Females

Mathiäs;11031232 said:
I too am lonely, but mainly because my friend group sucks major assballs. Making friends is a hard thing to do post school.

Not nearly as hard as I imagine it used to be. Plenty of resources such as Meetup, CL, etc. If you have a legitimate hobby and you don't live in BFE, it shouldn't be hard to find a local group and go from there.
I really am so very fucking lonely. I don't want to be another annoying PM in any of my exes social media accounts, but what else can I do? fuck this world, lol.
You have exes so clearly you're capable of finding someone! Just go out!!

Dude just get over yourself. Have a fuckin beer, go out and interact. What the fuck is the big deal


Or smoke some weed
Most of my ex girlfriends are Eastern European women I met there, where the sexual politics are more favorable towards men and being British is a bonus.

Weed makes me think people are going to kill me.
You're starting to act like a woman with all this complaining. Grow a sack, accept the fact that you're not going to find a 25 year old Belarusian Jane Seymour, and go hit up some lowly drunk British cunts. If you don't like them, ignore their phone calls.
Or women's indoor volleyball.

Roommate invited me out to get drinks with him and his friend who happens to be good friends my Midnight chick. I decided to meet them at the bar at like 11:00 after work but none of us could stay long. It was nice having some sort of hang out with her though.
There's always craigslist SS

doesn't really exist for where I am. You're right though, I do need to "get over myself" and be more down to earth with local women. It's really not me though. I don't want to talk about how her friend got pregnant again.
doesn't really exist for where I am. You're right though, I do need to "get over myself" and be more down to earth with local women. It's really not me though. I don't want to talk about how her friend got pregnant again.

If I get into a chat with a chick it is usually about her being engaged or wanting to get pregnant. And I'm thinking, why do you think I wanna hear you talk about your boyfriend for an hour. I don't care. Fuck, I hate women. Not because I don't get laid or anything, but talking with them is agonizing and shitty as fuck, they talk about the sameshit and they just don't have anything to talk about other than their boyfriend. God damn. This chick wanting to hang out with me recently, but she would just talk about her boyfriend, chick wanting her boyfriend to live with me an shit. :lol: WTF is wrong with women.
Most people talk mostly about pointless shit. Find some pointless shit that doesn't drive you insane and is popular and then steer pointless conversations to that.
Also, I don't actually enjoy sex all that much. The problem is, the only really fun thing is receiving oral from someone who's really good at it, without a condom, but that's like playing Russian roulette really. If they're good at it, they're probably a massive slag. So overall it's shit. Body odour and accidentally pulling their hair are big issues.
doesn't really exist for where I am. You're right though, I do need to "get over myself" and be more down to earth with local women. It's really not me though. I don't want to talk about how her friend got pregnant again.

Well you have options...., mope around and feel sad and alone and make a bunch of excuses why no girls will workout or suck your dick.
Go meet some ladies and at least try to interact or meeting online dating sites and what not.
Or just relax and let what will happen, happen.

I'm single and I have been for a long time. I spent years dating and searching for love even if temporary and it's hard for sure. Even though I'm a girl it's still hard, men & women both have it rough in that department. Now a days I don't even desire to be in a relationship, if something happens and I meet someone, great! If not, well it is what it is and hopefully I'll be happy.
End rant