Males and Females

Seems to me dating sites are more about finding out if a potential date still lives in his grandparent's basement and works part time in a video rental rather than whether he can take dapper photos of himself like a baws.


EDIT: "Last read post" took me to the pony guy on the previous page but whatevs
Forgot to mention that I hung out with Midnight girl last Friday. My roommate invited me out to hang out with with her, her other punk friend that I knew, and my roommate (of course). We only chilled for about an hour at the bar where we blasted Cowboys from Hell about 6 times because fuck Pantera and The Boys are Back in Town about 3 because that song rules before we parted ways. Me and Midnight girl are trying to hang out this Wednesday.

Unfortunately, though, after she got drunk with me a few weekends ago she woke up super sick and saw her doctor and now, I guess, she's both gluten and dairy free. So, I guess she's not slammin' back a case of Hamm's with me anytime soon. It's probably just all in her head like most people that claim to be, but we'll see.
Re: dating sites, neither the men nor the women on them are pathetic or have something wrong with them or whatever. Sure when you're 20 you're probably all about just finding a chick or a dude at a party, or at the bar, but eventually you exhaust the options in your vicinity. Or there were never any to start with.

Not to mention, people fuckin work. People have hobbies. Why go somewhere trying to meet some rando when you can prescreen hundreds at your computer? You ask me, its the people getting dressed up and soaking on the perfume or cologne to hit up the bar that are pathetic.
Okay, it's not the worst song in the world but compared to the rest of the band's material it's not great. If I were to introduce someone to Thin Lizzy, I would not use that song.

Sure it's definitely one of the most played out songs in Hard Rock history, I'm not crazy about it either, but in certain situations...
Also every time I hear it I'm immediately reminded of that scene from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia where Dennis and Mac burst in drunk, singing the song and it makes me chuckle.

Give me Emerald off Jailbreak any day though!
It gets overly sentimental at times but the crude shit (i.e. the character Kev) is fantastic. Karl pilkington in the first series is.. karl pilkington.

her face is not too bad either