Males and Females

Do you think she's an average good looking girl or is she a really good looking average girl? :Spin:

There is nothing to distinguish her from all the other plain old regular white girls her age other than her fame. Plain, average, regular, run of the mill, dime a dozen, etc. She's not ugly but I probably wouldn't give her a second look either.
There is nothing to distinguish her from all the other plain old regular white girls her age other than her fame. Plain, average, regular, run of the mill, dime a dozen, etc. She's not ugly but I probably wouldn't give her a second look either.

aka a 6. I think you're way off but to each his own naaah mean. I happen to think she's a gorgeous aight lookin bitch/hottest chick at the BBQ

ok Dak, give us a girl that breaks the 20 barrier..
Julianne Moore both for now and when younger.
Zooey Deschanel was unbelievably cute but started wearing too much makeup. On her brief appearance on Weeds I want to jump through the screen and bone her right there in the TV house.