Males and Females

imgur is just cleaner and easier to use and navigate, doesn't require signing up, works with the Reddit Enhancement Suite and Alien Blue, doesn't have annoying ads
Sure, I'll list a few.

1) My biggest beef is the fact that the layout is shit and the site looks like it was made in the 90's and they refuse to update it.

2) There's only a handful of subreddits I actually enjoy and/or find useful.

3) The people who run the site come off as arrogant and holier than thou, not to mention they have this weird sense of being innovators and torch bearers leading the online world into the future. That's stupid, especially when you consider some of the shit that has gone on at the site and what they really stand for. It's dangerous, scary, ignorant, hypocritical, not to mention illegal as fuck in a lot of ways.

4) And a bunch of other reasons.

As for your second question, I read the news on news sites, and specific community forums/websites for specific topics. There's too much opinion and not enough facts on that site for my liking. Not everyone should have a microphone to give their opinion. imo (lol)
There are some laughable subreddits that are passed off as serious discussion and the site is poorly designed.
Not like I know anything about this stuff and god bless the guy who wakes up to me in the morning, but I honestly don't find girls that attractive if sex is written all over their face. Well, let me clarify I think there's a difference between sexy and attractive. Obviously the two can go together sometimes but not always. There is a lot of attractiveness in "simplicity" like Emma Watson that I'd be more attracted to then someone who has fake tits, fake blonde hair and just generally trying to be sexy. Then again what do I know I'm just some girl from the Bronx.

Also, I never really comment about people's looks because it's not something I really think about, but I'm bored so yeah.
Nah, I like the middle ground myself, porn that isn't big budget but also isn't dirt.
Though if you want pawg porn often you can only get the good shit via big budget.

Low-budget professional porn is the worst of both worlds. They have enough money to hire disgusting skanky whores, but not enough to afford a good make-up crew or airbrushing services to hide the genital warts.
So I've been back on OKC for a couple weeks now, and there hasn't been much activity. Then today I had the bright idea of changing my profile picture to one of me with my cat.

Almost instantly I'm getting multiple messages from women.