Males and Females

Not true. Hot dudes don't have to try at all if its someone less attractive.

Also, its easier for dudes to be attractive without makeup. Just grow facial hair, boom, youre at least vaguely attractive. A lot easier than perfecting cosmetics. And less trying on your self esteem after a shower.

I advocate women not wearing makeup. I know way too many gorgeous girls who've become convinced they're hideous without it. /feminist rant
Not true. Hot dudes don't have to try at all if its someone less attractive.

Also, its easier for dudes to be attractive without makeup. Just grow facial hair, boom, youre at least vaguely attractive. A lot easier than perfecting cosmetics. And less trying on your self esteem after a shower.

I advocate women not wearing makeup. I know way too many gorgeous girls who've become convinced they're hideous without it. /feminist rant

Are you crazy?
Guys will, for the most part, fuck any woman. Make up or not.
Hot dudes want hot chicks, it's that simple, and it's not easy. Hot chicks? well they get whatever they want. And we all know what they want.. fuckin EVERYTHING, you better have it all fucker, not just looks

ya see us? Men, we're good people, we just want your pussy
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I have noticed something lately. Likely because of red-pill induced dissociated, objective take on the sexual interplay between men and women.

Let me paint a picture here. I have been studying at a library for past few weeks. Now it provides a rather unique perspective at the most unfamiliar of situations.

Say on average there are 3 guys for 6-8 girls in my vicinity (gynocentrism is quite efficient in getting girls to out-do boys in academia … but I digress). Now there is mutual acknowledgment of people around you. That’s just a social thing.

But I have noticed how guys around me would unconsciously or deliberately make a point to pass a look or in some cases stare at a female sitting nearby. Not once. But a few times every hour. Directly proportional to how tight her ass was when she was standing or how pretty her face is while she is sitting down.

Natural state of things.

Call me astute observer of 33rd degree of Men-sonry but I know she registered that attention she received from the guy. That subtle shift in her body language in my periphery vision and I wish I could take the guy aside and give him a few pointers.

Don’t. acknowledge. her.

Regardless of how fat and ugly she is, she takes it as a sign of power over the guy. By looking up from whatever he is doing in her direction, more than once, he is submitting to her.

What’s more interesting is … not paying attention seems to unsettle these cupcakes. Just as easy they are to stroke their egos, it’s as easy to deflate it by being indifferent. Whether it is that girl desperately playing with her hair or if she is wearing short short shorts at the gym doing squats (and from the looks of it… that’s all she does) but there is almost a sense of confusion and deliberation when no attention is paid her way. That’s foreign to her.

It is almost like having that power back which men voluntarily give up.

It seems like a rather fine-tooth combing effect but I think red pills are genuinely very efficacious in limiting a woman’s sense of reach beyond reasonable grounds.

Moral of the story – if you don’t acknowledge her you have taken away her vagina’s patented technology to make you seem thirsty and less desirable to her.

Indifference ®. Made from nuke-her-clear mind technology. Use it sometimes.
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Too many rules. I say stop over sexualizing every person you meet and you won't have tons of problems with them.

Also, people look at people. That is not always indicative of someone wanting that person. There's a million and one reasons why people look at others. But it's not always because they find them attractive at all.
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Not always, but likely the most common reason and operating based on common understandings and generalities works more than assuming obscure intentions does.

Yes, not all men are the same and not all women are the same, but most of both are similar and that world view generates more success.
So my best friend's boyfriend dumped her, and called her "retarded", "pathetic", and a "cunt" (and many combinations and variations of the three) simply because she set down a plastic bag on a glass table after work while he was sleeping, waking him up accidentally. So now is very upset.

Meanwhile, he lives rent-free with her while she works two jobs to support this piece of shit. I've never liked him one bit.

I've been debating messaging the fucking manbaby, telling him I will literally hitchhike to Niagara Falls to bootfuck his ass (which I have no problems doing, I have a few days off and could use a vacation in Niagara Falls LOL), but my friend implored me not to, since he would bitch at her afterwards.

I don't appreciate whiny manbaby bitches calling my best friend a cunt. Wat do, GMD, message anyways? Y/N
So she eventually got back with manbaby bitch (I will just refer to him as "Manbitch" henceforth). And quite amusingly, Manbitch messaged me from her Facebook account tonight, trying to square up after spying that her and I had been talking about him that night. Bahahahaha.
Apparently so. After I fired back, she pretty much won't message me back, so I am unclear as to what's going on.
Well she is pretty much my best friend, has been for like four or five years. I just really think he is a manipulative, verbally abusive piece of shit.

I'll message her tomorrow again and if she still reads but doesn't reply that is fucked.
If he keeps chirping and acting hard, I will find a way up there. I already pretty much told him he's a piece of shit, and that if I ever found out he called her even one more name, "things won't be pleasant".

So either he has been on her account all night, and reading my replies and not replying; OR it actually was her again reading my messages and he has been bitching at her not to talk to me (he probably would).
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