Males and Females

If she doesn't like pizza and beer is that going to stop you from somehow enjoying them as much? What if she doesn't like the type of pizza or beer that you like? Or what if she enjoys really good horror films instead of crappy ones? And by sleazy music what do you mean dirty sexy music that makes you immediately think about fucking? Wait, I got it: You want a clone of yourself who happens to be a stripper/porn star. Gotcha. Freak.
I think us LTR folks could offer valuable advice. I know the relationship that ultimately has been my best, and still going strong after five years, was dating a dude who isn't half the gamer I am. Its nice having a hobby that he doesn't share when all my exes were pretty into it. Like.. That's MY thing. Its my thing I do too much of that he doesn't understand. And I think having your own one thing is pretty important.

Compatibility with other similar interests definitely very relevant and necessary though. And similar sense of humor. Extremely fuckin important for your s.o. to understand at least half of your obscure jokes and references.
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My fiancee and I have been together for five years. She does not listen to heavy metal, doesn't really read (though she likes it), and isn't really into the same kind of movies/TV that I am. Yet we work. She complements me. She's into art, is very logical, listens to that hipster shit music (some of it is good). Where we have common ground is on the fringes; we're both really into classical music, cooking/eating, exploring places, going on adventures. We don't have 100% of the same things in common, and it's great. She goes and hangs out with her friends, and I hang out with mine...and sometimes we all hang out together

To echo what Carpe said, our senses of humor are very similar, and our ethics are very similar. We see things almost identically in terms of life, religion, politics, etc.
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My wife and I share a sense of humor and sex drive, and she doesn't listen to everything I do, but she doesn't listen to stuff I hate. She doesn't care about intellectual stuff, she likes to cook and do art/crafts/garden stuff, which is perfectly fine with me. Plenty of people to debate on the interwebs :p.
Fair enough to all you losers with partners pretty much not into anything you're into, whatever works for you, I've been there and done that shit so many times that by this point, I pretty much know what I'm looking for in someone.

If she doesn't like pizza and beer is that going to stop you from somehow enjoying them as much? What if she doesn't like the type of pizza or beer that you like? Or what if she enjoys really good horror films instead of crappy ones? And by sleazy music what do you mean dirty sexy music that makes you immediately think about fucking? Wait, I got it: You want a clone of yourself who happens to be a stripper/porn star. Gotcha. Freak.

I was being facetious you overly literal dickhole.
I don't think I can be with someone who doesn't like Seinfeld. I mean, sure, they can just be like "yeah, I'll watch Seinfeld with you but not for 12 hours straight" but if they don't even get some of my most basic and obvious references I'm leaving.

And I'm not being facetious here.
You set such high standards

My wife and I share a sense of humor and sex drive, and she doesn't listen to everything I do, but she doesn't listen to stuff I hate. She doesn't care about intellectual stuff, she likes to cook and do art/crafts/garden stuff, which is perfectly fine with me. Plenty of people to debate on the interwebs :p.

shut up you lonely idiot
My girlfriend doesn't like Star Trek (outright refuses to watch it with me) and it is baffling. But meh. We have been together two and a half years now.

She is coming to see Star Trek Beyond with me in July though. I told her this. She literally has no choice.

LOTR is kind of a hard watch though tbh. They're all long as shit, and on top of that kinda one of those series you really need to marathon to fully enjoy. I've dug what I've seen of them and I know I'd fuckin love knowing the broader story arc, but that shits a commitment. Can't even imagine how cringe-worthy it would be for someone who isn't super into fantasy.