Males and Females

The violence was what I was actually trying to address, don't let yourself become irrational just because your friend has a vagina, man.

I think by the sounds of it just let her deal with it, she works two jobs so she hardly sounds like some brainless weak fucker.
I dunno. He's just... he's been verbally and emotionally abusive to her on many many occasions (once physically as well).

She isn't brainless, far from it, she's quite intelligent; but she's one of those people who's emotions run very deep? She's kind of emotionally fragile, and despite claims of being "done this time"... well, she has claimed that she has been "done this time" with him about five or six times before.

I dunno. She has messaged my girlfriend in the past when things got rough with her and I, and it helped somewhat. I just figured a simple push of "hey man... if you don't treat my friend better, things will happen, things that you won't like" may have been productive.

I mean, this has happened at least four or five times and at her request I haven't messaged. This time I relented also. I gave her fair warning though, that whether they are together or not, if it happens with him literally even one more time, I am messaging him. I gave very fair warning.
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I don't think there's much of a problem with some polite yet stern warnings to the cunt, but stomping a mudhole in his crudhole would be a bad move.

Especially since, in my experience, doing that kind of shit can just make her want to get back with him even more, pretty much out of sympathy for basically being responsible for his ass kicking, he'll have something over her.
I have a good friend that was dating this massive junkie dickhead and no matter how many times I would warn her about his actions (being a former drug abuser myself) or threaten him, she would just always go back to him.

They really have to do it on their own for it to stick.
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Tbh if worse really came to worse, I really wouldn't have a problem with stomping the guy. I know it wouldn't happen though; even the threat would probably make him cower and apologize, so a threat is all I would need. As I said, he is kind of a bitch.

I told her she should probably boot him out, but she said since his name is on the lease she can't. Also he has "no place to go". So she is both unable AND unwilling.

It just annoys me.
Basically I gave her a very fair warning this time, that since I have complied with her wishes the last four or five times to not get involved, to not message him, that the next time it happens I am going to do it, whether she likes it or not. Next time I hear he has been abusive at all, I'm telling him point-blank that bad things are gonna happen if he keeps up.
Good friend of mine got the hump n dump recently. I feel really bad for her. Woman's gorgeous with a huge heart, but she worries about stupid shit, like the fact he wasn't posting pics of them together on Facebook after a few months of dating. So he took some shitty candid pics, fucked her for the first time, then sent them to her after saying it was over.

For the record, women like that aren't bitches or idiots, they just have very feminine image-based values. Acquiesce, and they will worship you. I can't even offer her advice and I wish I could because this happens often. It's gotta suck being that hot and that desperate for true love.

I realize this likely falls on deaf ears, but for real. Maybe don't hang out with someone's kids all the time acting happy then be a dick over some poor girl's weird self esteem quirks.
I think the more 'traditional' women just frequently get played by non-traditional men. They see these women as weak or sexist for wanting a provider, despite getting a clean house, backrubs, hot meals, etc out of the deal. They high five eachother then call those 'hoes' gold diggers and think they're lame for wanting something serious.

Its not for me, but I think a lot of singles nowadays really look down on the traditional masculine feminine roles, to the point of contempt.
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ITT: The Butt plans on getting himself stabbed trying to be a white knight.

Fuck being the crying shoulder. Been through it too many fucking times and it only gets your shoulder wet, never your dick, while she goes back and does the same shit over and over until you either finally just give up or have some snarling mongoloid trying to smash your skull in or shiv you.
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ITT: The Butt plans on getting himself stabbed trying to be a white knight.
Stabbed? :lol: Fuck no. The guy is a bitch.

And tbh I don't even think it will get to that point. I wouldn't care if it did, but as I said, the threat will likely be enough.
I used to do that. Sometimes I miss it. But then I remember the greasy chicks I did things with while drunk and I get pretty damn embarrassed. :lol:
ITT: The Butt plans on getting himself stabbed trying to be a white knight.

Fuck being the crying shoulder. Been through it too many fucking times and it only gets your shoulder wet, never your dick, while she goes back and does the same shit over and over until you either finally just give up or have some snarling mongoloid trying to smash your skull in or shiv you.

As much as every letter in your post resonates with my spirit, I think you mischaracterised his situation.
I go back and forth between wanting a relationship and wanting to just fuck around. Relationships are difficult to create for me, since the type of people I associate with are probably working and going to school as well and have limited time to build something over time.

But I also have this weird block with casual sex. Not that I don't enjoy it, but the more energy I put into it, the more I'm like "that's it?" when it's over. Forcing myself through conversation with someone I don't click with gets old real quick. I'd like to find a girl I want to talk to as much as I want to fuck her.

Besides, I find the physical pleasure alone pretty stale compared to when an emotional connection is involved. Doesn't mean I don't crave it, though.
I'd like to find a girl I want to talk to as much as I want to fuck her.

That's fucking key and I wish it didn't take me so long to realize it. The girl I'm with now I can stay up until 3am debating and talking with and have sex with whenever I want. Having both compatibilties makes for mutual respect that I've just never felt in a relationship before. Before it was just sex or just talking. It takes a certain level of maturity on both sides but it is out there just keep searching. Good luck.