Males and Females

What does "elaborate" have to do with quantity?

[adjective ih-lab-er-it; verb ih-lab-uh-reyt]

worked out with great care and nicety ofdetail; executed with great minuteness:
elaborate preparations; elaborate care.
Synonyms: perfected, painstaking.
Antonyms: simple.
marked by intricate and often excessive detail; complicated; ornate.

Complexity and attention to detail are required for something to be elaborate.
On-topic date story time:

I find most people to be pretty boring. I have ended dates with guys because they initially tried to qualify themselves to me, but I found them unable to actually talk to me about anything of any substance. I'm a bitch.

Well, not really. I paid my own way in every single instance that this occurred.
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I'm not sure I'd take you out on date. You don't seem like the girl that would not be interested in doing tequila shots and discussing which Godzilla film is best. You seem like the type that would have to have some serious conversation on Aristotle's ethics and whether Schopenhauer was a misogynist.
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You seem like the type that would have to have some serious conversation on Aristotle's ethics and whether Schopenhauer was a misogynist.

Sounds like a hot date

Black Orifice with a classic one-liner reference to his black orifice.

I like palindromes.

A classic one-liner used against the one-liner cause.
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Are whores born whores or are they made whores? Losing their virginity too earlier, too much testosterone (causes sexual arousal in women), stupidity? What is it?
I'm not sure I'd take you out on date. You don't seem like the girl that would not be interested in doing tequila shots and discussing which Godzilla film is best. You seem like the type that would have to have some serious conversation on Aristotle's ethics and whether Schopenhauer was a misogynist.

I quit liquor a few years ago, but I do actually like cheesy movies. I don't think that we would be very compatible, but I do think that your music taste is one of the best on this site.
I do good beer all the time, I'm just usually trying to get drunk and I enjoy shotgunning 16oz cans of PBRs all night alone with Thin Lizzy blasting.

That's where we differ. Not the Thin Lizzy part (Lynott rules), but the PBR tallboys and getting drunk alone.
I'm not sure which thread would fit this best, but it has to do with males and females and sexual relations, and doesn't really have much to do with anything that I have any sort of personal attachment to, nonetheless it's an amusing story, so I figure it's something to share. Also, it concerns topics that members here love to contentiously debate. That's part of the problem I have concerning where to post it. I could post it in Mort's thread, but then, by my posting it there, it could be perceived that I'm posting it for a reason that I'm not, which I'm not. I merely wish to share a story and not have it be understood as a polemic. I have little personal attachment to it, beyond the fact that I know the people involved. Regardless, there's a chance contentious debate could follow and then prompt the posts being moved from here to Mort's thread. But I have no desire for this to happen and merely wish to share a story, a story of which caused me great disturbance when my friend told me it, but the impact of this on my emotions has ebbed very quickly, because it does not really affect me, so do understand that I am not relating this story so to further a particular agenda. Rather, I am telling the story because I find it interesting for reasons disconnected to my own personal life in a manner that does not involve making people think differently than they did before they read it. Bear in mind, also, that I am re-telling the story from one particular point of view--the point of view of the person who told me--and do not hold it as the only authoritative and totally accurate depiction of events.

The story is a bit of intrigue about a few of my friends from high school, which I heard last night. I do not speak with them often because I've grown to find them unbearable and boring to talk with (this isn't the case with all of them of course because I really am not a big fan of talking on the phone or texting often, given the time consuming nature of both of these activities and the fact that I'm usually busy with something else). As a result, I speak with them only once every few months/years. Happily, and as a consequence, this usually results in them having lots of things to tell me that I find interesting, though I usually have to pry it out of them. Also, most of them are former/current heroin addicts, which tends to magnify problems that I may or may not have had with them prior to said heroin. I'll keep the story itself short, I just wanted to set the context. Also, I'll be using pseudonyms, not for any reason in particular, but just in case a reason for using a pseudonym may arise.

Suzie and John moved to a different state sometime back. Steve sort of lived with John for a while. Suzie and John were before and are now boyfriend and girlfriend, but they went through years of an on-again-off-again thing. Steve told me that Suzie told John that Steve raped her, and now John is telling everyone that Steve raped Suzie. At one point in the past, John and Suzie broke up. Steve and Suzie hung out afterwards, along with a few other friends, and had some drinks. Steve laid down for bed afterward, then Suzie came into the room and got into the bed with him. Sex followed. Steve felt terrible about this because John was a close friend of his and told John about it. John didn't freak out, but didn't talk much about it either. It's unknown whether or not John spoke to Suzie about it. At some point afterward, John and Steve hung out, along with a few other friends, and had some drinks. Steve went upstairs to the bathroom and found John upstairs when he finished his business. Some dialogue occurred. They thought one another looked pretty hot. Sex followed. The next day, John was dismissive of Steve--he would barely talk to Steve or look him in the eye. This demeanor that John projected toward Steve continued for sometime, indeed continuing up until the rape accusation came out one to two years afterward, and, as you can imagine, has followed up the accusation.
I'm not sure which thread would fit this best, but it has to do with males and females and sexual relations, and doesn't really have much to do with anything that I have any sort of personal attachment to, nonetheless it's an amusing story, so I figure it's something to share. Also, it concerns topics that members here love to contentiously debate. That's part of the problem I have concerning where to post it. I could post it in Mort's thread, but then, by my posting it there, it could be perceived that I'm posting it for a reason that I'm not, which I'm not. I merely wish to share a story and not have it be understood as a polemic. I have little personal attachment to it, beyond the fact that I know the people involved. Regardless, there's a chance contentious debate could follow and then prompt the posts being moved from here to Mort's thread. But I have no desire for this to happen and merely wish to share a story, a story of which caused me great disturbance when my friend told me it, but the impact of this on my emotions has ebbed very quickly, because it does not really affect me, so do understand that I am not relating this story so to further a particular agenda. Rather, I am telling the story because I find it interesting for reasons disconnected to my own personal life in a manner that does not involve making people think differently than they did before they read it. Bear in mind, also, that I am re-telling the story from one particular point of view--the point of view of the person who told me--and do not hold it as the only authoritative and totally accurate depiction of events.

Dude, wtf. You just said 300 words without saying anything.