Males and Females

The above exchange is why I really think Yoda is prevaricating. I was the most awkward son of a bitch in the world with women for years (I still am to an extent, but I've learned to control it). When I started casual dating and reading people better, sex was a lot easier to get. Sure, there are some women who are fucking crazy and just want to play games but she seems into you man. Just go for it. There are other women out there. It may take a while to find them, but they are there.
You know, I just thought of something:

Maybe she feels the same way. Have you talked to her about it? I recall you mentioning talking to her about it I guess, but like, really sat down and discussed where you all want to go from here. No alcohol involved. Make sure both of you are sober and aren't making quick decisions because you are trashed. Take her to a nice dinner and Having a conversation face to face is becoming an endangered species in the realm of forms of communication. It really breeds trust and if you and she can talk honestly about such a serious and heavy topic, then she's probably a keeper.
True but what made me more upset was because I thought I was clear a few days before. Also sometimes things just seem like a bigger deal to me than it really is depending on the kinda day it was.

Of course that's fair, I actually wasn't criticising your reaction by the way, just anybody surprised that a man would try to court sex with an attractive woman. It's hardly a shock even if it's very douchey. Especially coming from a supposed friend or whatever.
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Ahh got it. @CASSETTEISGOD meh it's cool I got over it. Ranting is awesome.

Also in the rare occasion I do agree with ozzman. Definitely should talk about it but I think giving it time and giving her time to make a decision is important too.
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This might be the best thing I've ever seen posted on UM. I have to put my final cards on the table and accept the outcome.

My problem is that I'm still grabbing onto the possibility that we may be together once I move to Chicago but that won't be until August or something, so I still feel like holding out and it's kind of ruining me.

Have you asked her about that possibility after you move? Just wondering.
@The Ozzman I'm, like, sort of scared to initiate that conversation with because I am afraid of the outcome. She's told me in the past that one day we might be together, but that was months ago and we agreed that we weren't waiting for each other to be ready and stuff. But I do agree that sitting her down and discussing where we are together is a good plan. Worst thing that happens is nothing and we continue our friendship while I have some closure on the whole situation. Best case is, well, yeah.

And @Omni um, I don't think we explicitly talked about that sort of thing, but I feel like she's gotten the hint that I'd be very interested in being mutually exclusive with her once I move to the city. I don't know though.

Thanks for the advice peeps. I was pretty drunk when I made that post. I'm feeling better about the whole situation but this helps. I think I am going to see her again on Saturday and probably crash at her place in the city so perhaps once we wake up and right before I leave I'll bring up the question.
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Good luck. Also, hints mean basically nothing if you don't ask the question.

Coming from a hint-man, this is truth. I find it amusing that I fall into hinting with girls I like, but have little inhibition with girls that I want to fuck and nothing else (namely with a one and done, because holding up conversations with those types are tedious and base in the most uninteresting way possible). Any post-modernists with a specialty on sex in the house?--it's not that complicated.
I've gotten back in contact with my most beautiful ex gf, but she lives in a land of far away and I'm suspecting eventually I'm going to see her with some guy on facebook now and my soul will be crushed. I hate this shit. I just want her to be mine.

I'm sure she'll have a fuckbuddy, because she's a sexual person. I
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Just the other night I was thinking about how even if you're a hideous loser, there's a chance that during high school some random girl will make a vague flirtatious/sexual gesture towards you, even if it's only an attempt to embarrass you, and that I never had even that due to being homeschooled. Then today on my drive home from school, blasting Fabulous Disaster with the top down, specifically mouthing out all the quality riffage in Verbal Razors, as I passed a car a passenger window rolled down and some blonde girl probably 16 years old or so made a gesture that looked like she was grabbing an invisible bed frame and began pelvic thrusting (from what I could tell), saying something I couldn't understand although it looked like she was biting her bottom lip as well. The girl behind her appeared to be waving at me as well, but I could only make out a silhouette. They sped off and rolled the windows, but due to traffic I ended up passing them again, and heard some form of nondescript female screaming, although I didn't look at them the second time.

Today was a good day.
Just the other night I was thinking about how even if you're a hideous loser, there's a chance that during high school some random girl will make a vague flirtatious/sexual gesture towards you, even if it's only an attempt to embarrass you, and that I never had even that due to being homeschooled.

i think when girls flirt with you but have zero interest in you whatsoever and do it to fuck with your head or, worse, just to be friendly, is probably worse than not being flirted with. but i wasn't homeschooled so maybe that's my privilege talking.
If it was under a scenario where I actually thought they were being genuine then I'd agree yeah, it would suck to have expectations and then have them smashed. I've read stories of kids in elementary school, where someone would ask an ugly kid on a date because of a dare from the good looking kid's friends, and then laugh at them. That would probably be traumatizing. I'm still open to random women pelvic thrusting towards me, though, no matter their intention.
in highschool all my friends had boyfriends and stuff except me. I actually remember being on last fm and like this one dude who had music in common with me would message me. Then he asked for my myspace or whatever, and i gave it to him after awhile of talking through messages. he then unfriended me like a day after on both myspace and last fm. :lol: i'm pretty sure it was because i'm black or something.

oh well. everyone gets played in high school.

Actually I had a similar experience, a girl was interested in me and I guess assumed I was a 1st or 2nd generation foreigner. Then when she found out I was indigenous she bailed on whatever path she was taking us down. Hahaha.

I don't blame her though.
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