Males and Females

i got stalked from afar at university for weeks without my knowledge and then she dropped out (hopefully for unrelated reasons but i'm seriously not sure) and i still can't decide whether to take it as a compliment or not.
A few years ago a woman from Germany of LastFM sent me a message in German, referring to me as "Hamburger Jung", and commented on our "Übereinstimmung". Apparently people from Hamburg are sometimes called Hamburgers or something. Like, how was I even supposed to reply to that?

EDIT: I wish I had a non-homosexual stalker.
i mean, in hindsight that's really not the worse consequence to happen. a lot of people have children early and for some people it sorta whips them into shape.

it was her choice and that's cool. yeah, not saying people are rocket scientists in their teen years but if something like that were to happen i.e. a child or whatever it wouldn't only be your fault but hers as well. in other words, just because of your background doesn't mean you're the worst influence. i mean she probably harmed herself in worse ways. my boyfriend's white so i could totally say some of the things i've seen his folks do have been equally as deviant (sometimes more so) than what i'm use to. :lol:
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stalked? jesus. that's nuts! how did you know she was stalking you? @no country for old wainds

through the stalker's friend, who told me when she got to know me better (this was the start of my first year so i was making new friendships at the time). it was weird but like... i never knew about it at the time and by the time i did she'd left, so i wasn't sure how to feel haha. she wasn't attractive, that's for sure.
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In junior high I got fucked with like that, my shitty little friends pretended to be someone's cousin I had a crush on and talked to me on AIM for like six months, pretty much every day. Apparently just the two of them laughing at token weird friend, who was also still a fat ugly duckling at the time. The big reveal was pretty awful for me.

Suffice it to say I have trouble letting my guard down to this day, more with women than men, due to that experience and many other similar ones.
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@no country for old wainds Hahaha, dang. Well, i guess it's not as scary if you dont know it's happening? idk. might be equally as scary. If she left quickly maybe it was just brief. Still pretty weird and even weirder that her own friends knew :lol:

@Carpe Mortem that's fucked up. I hope you went off on them. Man who has the time to do all of that on the internet? Seriously... fucked up.
Yeah, kids can be cruel. I didn't go off on them because I had few friends as it was and at that age it was kinda all about having friends.

I got fucked with a lot when I was younger. That's why I'm conceited now lol. Had to learn to be.
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Just the other night I was thinking about how even if you're a hideous loser, there's a chance that during high school some random girl will make a vague flirtatious/sexual gesture towards you, even if it's only an attempt to embarrass you, and that I never had even that due to being homeschooled. Then today on my drive home from school, blasting Fabulous Disaster with the top down, specifically mouthing out all the quality riffage in Verbal Razors, as I passed a car a passenger window rolled down and some blonde girl probably 16 years old or so made a gesture that looked like she was grabbing an invisible bed frame and began pelvic thrusting (from what I could tell), saying something I couldn't understand although it looked like she was biting her bottom lip as well. The girl behind her appeared to be waving at me as well, but I could only make out a silhouette. They sped off and rolled the windows, but due to traffic I ended up passing them again, and heard some form of nondescript female screaming, although I didn't look at them the second time.

Today was a good day.

In High school I had a hot girl offer to come home with me at lunch time and sleep with me, but I rejected her because I had already internalized the idea that no woman could ever like me and I thought by rejecting her I'd seem like a badass. It would have been a sympathy fuck for sure, but it would probably have prevented all kinds of emotional turmoil that happened after that, with the years of virginity and frustration. What a dumb decision. It wasn't the last I made.
I'm pretty amazed that this thread was moved to the second page.

Been hanging out with this cute colleague/grad student girl for the past couple of weeks. We have fun together but she told me that she got her second DUI this past Friday. Now I'm starting to feel bad for asking her to hang out so much.
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Eh not if you fork out the cash, in WV at least.

Tell that bitch she needs to stay at your house more, it's safer that way.
Eh not if you fork out the cash, in WV at least.

I'm 99% certain it depends on the judge and the circumstances surrounding the arrest. I had no jail time when I got mine, but I had to have an interlock in there for almost 2.5 years and paid roughly 3k total between my useless attorney and court fees.