Males and Females

I finally met somebody IRL who I actually like and directly communicate with instead of these useless dating sites. Catch? I'm 32, she's 22. Creepy, borderline, or not at all? I haven't asked her out, but thinking about it next week, but I'm hung up a little bit on the age gap. With as little as I've dated maybe we're about on par in that regard, but definitely at a different place in our lives- my working a professional job for 6 years now and she being a server at a local restaurant, going to college...
22 is old enough to know better. Age gap may be an issue if it ends up long-term, but who cares if you just met her. Go for it, just have fun.
So, I had quite an experience today. A long-time friend of mine and his girlfriend (who I've known for a while) called me and asked me if I was free for a double date. This was about a week ago. They were trying to set me up with someone, apparently. I had nothing urgent to do today and I thought, "Sure. Good opportunity to meet people and at a decent restaurant, no less. Why not?".

My friend told me that I could just wear something casual and I hadn't done the laundry just yet. So today, I just threw on a clean Iron Maiden tee I had, some jeans and a jacket and went. Then, I met up with them at the place and my "date" (which was a friend of his girlfriend's) was running a bit late. Thinking nothing of it, we found a table and waited a little while. I had decided to put on the jacket. 5 minutes later, she arrives. She was actually rather good-looking. We shook hands, got acquainted and we start talking. We were there for about an hour and the conversation we were having led to cinema (which she had quite an interest in) and I was really enjoying myself. She was a good conversationalist and she really knew her stuff. Even began majoring in it. Likewise, she was impressed by my success and what I was majoring in after she asked me what I was studying. It was going pretty well. However, I had to take my jacket off because it was a bit warm in the restaurant.

Then, I get back to finishing a sentence I was saying and I look up from my plate only to notice that she was glaring at my shirt. Naturally, I looked to see whether there was a stain on it or if it had been torn. It wasn't. Then, I looked up at her and asked what was wrong. She then asked me if that was a "metal" (she put particular emphasis on the word) band on my shirt. I said "yes" and asked her why she was asking.

Then, with a frustrated look on her face, she quickly began picking up her things and leaving. I stood up and asked her what was wrong and she turned to me and said, "I don't hang out with juveniles". Yeah. As she began walking towards the entrance, my friend's girlfriend noticed, got up and ran to the entrance to stop and see what the issue was. She started arguing with her. I didn't catch much of the argument but from what I could tell, she stood up for me in it. One thing in particular was hearing her question her friend's baseless accusation of my "juvenile tendencies". After all, I had just met her. My friend simply stood beside me at the table, utterly dumbstruck at the pettiness of her grievance towards me after I had told him what happened.

His girlfriend walked back when she had enough and let her leave. She told me that she was sorry for her friend's behavior and I said it was fine. I don't think she believed me. I just finished lunch with the both of them and went back home.

This sort of thing has happened before but this was more difficult to deal with. It was such an about face. She seemed to be really enjoying her time with me and then, one thing just ended it all. Practically before it even began. Kind of sucks, honestly.
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If you were looking for a compatible partner, she clearly wasn't the one. If just banging her was an option, you should know better than to wear a metal shirt to a first date :p
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The irony of her calling you a juvenile over a shirt is rather hilarious though, sorry. :rofl:
I mean, that's some genuinely heavy lack of self-awareness...

Also, a good indicator that she will probably go on to flop brutally in the film industry.
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Oh, it was actually rather tame. It was a shirt I got years ago. It was literally just a red shirt with the name of the band on it in black lettering. That's it.
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