Males and Females

It's not my attitude that needs adjusting, it's my source of employment. But I'm working on at least an associate's degree in software development, so I can finally get a big boy job. You, on the other hand, don't seem too intent on fixing the fact that you're a fat Trump supporter.

Looks like I rustled someone's jimmies. Who did you vote for again?

Do women even like either of you fucks?

I know they don't like me apparently. It could just be where I live though, too..
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Some whore wants to chill out with you and The Butt, in ur parents basement, she likes you both, 3 way butt fuck.
Yeah, I'm in the band taste doesn't matter bandwagon due to experience. When I first met my dude 6 years ago it was a deciding factor, but it's a good goddamn thing there was a lot more to our chemistry than that because he hardly listens to metal anymore and never wants to go to shows. People change. Look for deeper similarities than favorite X, like similar values.
oz supports trump? jesus christ.

now i dont know which side to be on, the guy with really high standards, or the guy with really low standards

I don't know who is who in this scenario. "Really high standards" doesn't describe me very accurately, unless you think low music compatibility rather than zero music compatibility is too much to ask for. That more accurately describes Draehl, as the aforementioned Indian woman is someone he wouldn't consider dating since she's not slender or white. I wouldn't call that overly high standards so much as just being picky, but still.

Yeah, I'm in the band taste doesn't matter bandwagon due to experience. When I first met my dude 6 years ago it was a deciding factor, but it's a good goddamn thing there was a lot more to our chemistry than that because he hardly listens to metal anymore and never wants to go to shows. People change. Look for deeper similarities than favorite X, like similar values.

Then I apologize for not being you. However, there is a difference between hardly listening to metal and hating it. Dismissing metal as "noise" or "juvenile" is a dealbreaker for me.

Besides, unless you never spend time in a car together, let alone on a road trip, it pays to have some musical common ground. Unless you'd prefer a two hour drive in total silence. Sure, I listen to other stuff besides metal, but someone who just categorically dislikes metal in all its forms isn't likely to want to listen to Swans either, or even something mellower like Dead Can Dance. If someone is okay with post-grunge but can't abide Blind Guardian, the problem is not that the latter is too harsh and abrasive, but that it's not "normal." It's the perspective of someone who just wants to listen to normal music, watch normal movies and shows, read normal books - if they read at all - partake in normal hobbies, and date a normal guy. If you're that person, I'm not the one for you any more than you're the one for me.

But it's no surprise that for Death Delirium, it makes no nevermind whether a lady adores metal or despises it, since that dude likes Selena Gomez.
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In a broad sense like that, I agree. Someone who mocks or looks down on your hobbies probably isn't a good match or even a good person.
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I meant for her :heh:

I think as a music person a general appreciation for the art and large catalog of band interests is important in a partner, but the specifics are not. You can talk about music and comment on each others taste without it being identical, as long as there is an earnest appreciation and thirst for great musicianship.