Males and Females

I don't think I have a specific type. My boyfriend is actually a pretty strange mix and I'm into it. Also, I'm with carpe with the conservativeness in that regard. I can't really imagine being intimate with a ton of people. Like... how isn't sex a little awkward if you don't know the person well? Eh, I overthink everything. Intimacy is that much easier and enjoyable with a partner who knows you really well and vice versa. It's not only about sex, either; it's really about companionship too. When we are bored at work or come across shit in our every day life we think is interesting we'd take a picture and talk through text. He's my friend in my head a lot of the times or the fly on the wall and vice versa. I like a simple life and being spread out and emotionally available to too many people makes me really anxious.
Leaving campus my car was one of two in the parking garage, usually always with one other specific car (a newer Mustang). While I was deciding on what to listen to on the way home, the owner of the Mustang walked by mine. He's a researcher or something in another lab that I see in the hall a lot but had never talked to before, probably about 6'2", slightly ginger/chestnut, pale but masculine face, narrow eyes, good facial hair, often wears dark jackets. He said something like "Hey now I know who else is here late at night, always seems to be just the two of us" in a voice more feminine/soft than I expected, I said "Y-yeah" as usual, then he wished me a good night in a way that seemed unusual but I've already forgotten exactly what he said. I have a feeling the next time I see him in the hall or bathroom he's going to say something to me.
This gross ass women in her 40's won't leave me alone, i'm not picky about women's bods, but she's gross and I will not hang out with her at all, she's scary as fuck, I tried hooking up a friend with her and she punched him in the face, not that I care, but whatever, he was talking to me and was scared as fuck by her.
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