Leaving campus my car was one of two in the parking garage, usually always with one other specific car (a newer Mustang). While I was deciding on what to listen to on the way home, the owner of the Mustang walked by mine. He's a researcher or something in another lab that I see in the hall a lot but had never talked to before, probably about 6'2", slightly ginger/chestnut, pale but masculine face, narrow eyes, good facial hair, often wears dark jackets. He said something like "Hey now I know who else is here late at night, always seems to be just the two of us" in a voice more feminine/soft than I expected, I said "Y-yeah" as usual, then he wished me a good night in a way that seemed unusual but I've already forgotten exactly what he said. I have a feeling the next time I see him in the hall or bathroom he's going to say something to me.