Lol sorry
@zabu of nΩd my original felt too exposed and personal. And I get it, I'd love to fuck a young dude too, but that's sorta part of my point. Being a woman is not just being young and hot, or dressing up and painting your face, and the transgender idea of what they want to be is flawed.
I'm going to borrow from my original post because I made a point I feel is very relevant: many women feel pressured to wear makeup and dress a certain way their whole lives, and when they finally get the courage to face the world barefaced, it's a triumph. When they finally stop giving a shit about appearing younger and embrace age, wisdom triumphs over shallowness.
Why is it that so many transgenders don't just want to change gender, they want to be fuckable? It's borderline sexist to tie all the experiences of a woman to the importance of getting laid. I think the best women in the world, who really do the gender proud, are those who could earn the bread on their own and don't need to be fuckable to survive. Those who don't need sex or love even, allowing focus on more important endeavors.
We've come too far in women's rights for a dude to say 'hey I want to be a woman I've totally always been a woman' for the experience of getting fucked while someone else pays the bills.
Probably more that dress up culture (crossdressing, lolita, cosplay, goth, visual kei etc) naturally appeals to people who want to look like something they're not and so trans people would be included in that.
I removed my original post, but he/she made a new facebook and is lying about age on it by 10 years. It's been a weird experience as it is with this person, I knew the guy when he was a totally dudely dude like a decade ago and I guess it got me off on a tangent.
A tangent I feel is relevant, because I've yet to meet a mtf transgender who just wanted to be a normal chick who hates her boob's and doesn't feel like shaving or wearing makeup all the time. See above.
Male to female I've never met but they seem more legit.