Males and Females

It should also be said that this person you're using as a representative of how trans people are is probably a transtrender or something. Who knows. Maybe they're just the transwoman equivalent of a dumb, shallow whore in the cis woman world.

Not like they don't exist, maybe this transwoman you know is a filthy mallrat.

I legitimately know 3 trans people intimately, all mtf, one is a homemaker type, one is a single businesswoman type and the other is much older and an economist. You've made a mistake if you think too one-dimensionally about this.
I also think it's one dimensional to assume the exceptions are negations of the rule. Granted I just know this one really well and have only met a few others briefly, but they were all more interested in being glamorous than anything, and have been in line with what media has represented long before Jenner.

I would love to meet exception upon exception so their movement would seem more legitimate, but I haven't, and neither have most other people. Because 90% of transwomen have no idea what being a woman really is apparently, and are therefore not 'female inside'. And wouldn't that make them *not* trans, just men who want to look like women? Cemented by HBB's statements of higher sex drive?
It's a community that is overwhelmingly more closeted than any other LGBT community, so it's no surprise that most people's experience with trans people are with the loud, obnoxious, shallow, pathetic, politicized etc element of said community.

To the question of why transwomen seem obsessed with the outwardly feminine and the stereotypes of womanhood - probably because passing in society is important to their ability to function outside of the home.

Cis women can experiment with body hair, no make-up, gender neutral or overtly masculine clothing etc because nobody is going to mistake them for anything other than what they are.

Someone who is biologically male or female can't really take that chance if they want to present themselves as the opposite. At least, that's what I think is happening.

Actually many trans people I have spoken to strongly support gender roles and feel a certain ire towards the LGBT and specifically trans movements because in their fight for certain rights, they've also exposed the trans community to so much publicity and made them extremely visable to society, while also connecting them to a radical and extreme form of leftist politics when they really just wanted to be private, try to pass enough to function in the real world and just be left alone.
Honestly, I feel gay men in general are more shallow and obessed with looks. I don't know if that's terrible to say or generalize, but in college when I did a study abroad in France I had two gay white male friends who were obsessed with going to the gym and shopping to a really annoying degree. I mean I like playing dress up as much as the next person, but certainly not everyday.
Honestly, I feel gay men in general are more shallow and obessed with looks. I don't know if that's terrible to say or generalize, but in college when I did a study abroad in France I had two gay white male friends who were obsessed with going to the gym and shopping to a really annoying degree. I mean I like playing dress up as much as the next person, but certainly not everyday.

Hardly a shock, men are extremely driven visually. Notice how lesbians seem to be the total opposite more generally? I don't think I've ever met a "hot" lesbian in my life.
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i know several local gay guys and while you can tell some of them are gay usually from their voices, few of them fit into that preening attention-whore stereotype (there is one awful exception lol). i get the impression those types are a lot more prevalent in cities/hip liberal places, people are more down to earth around here.
Hardly a shock, men are extremely driven visually. Notice how lesbians seem to be the total opposite more generally? I don't think I've ever met a "hot" lesbian in my life.

As far as lesbians go around here, there's usually one that's mildly attractive or pretty and her mate is a bull dike that usually looks something like a fat guy wearing jnco jeans and South Pole clothing.

I've seen quite a few "lesbians" go straight and end up with a family too. Unsure how common that is in general but everything in WV is introverted to begin with.
most 'straight' girls are bi in my experience if you get to know them, pretty or not. probably 'cause women are narcissists and like fantasising about fucking a version of themselves :heh:
The pretty ones tend to be bisexual, though, which always fascinated me.

It probably means they just want attention tbh. In my opinion, you can't have your cake and eat it too and it's merely a gimmick.

I know a girl from another forum who dated exclusively women for a while and then ended up dating the forum admin when he moved to England. I just think she was pissed off at men but still wanted attention *shrug*.
Yeah I've met hot lesbians too. The pretty ones tend to be bisexual, though, which always fascinated me.

Bisexual =/= lesbian.

But then again I've never really bought the idea that gay women and gay men were equal anyways. I've never met a gay dude that wasn't pretty much repulsed by the idea of sex with a woman, whereas women in general seem to have varying degrees of fluidity with their sexuality.

The whole college lesbian experimentation thing is a stereotype for a reason, and there isn't one for men.
I know a guy who has exclusively gay relationship preferences and strongly gay sexual preferences but occasionally enjoys casual sexual activity with women. I think he only likes oral with women, not penetration.
you get lots of gay guys who start out in relationships/marriages with girls and then come out later, i don't know if they retrospectively become repulsed by the idea of fucking women or not though. you don't see many going in the opposite direction (from gay to straight).
It probably means they just want attention tbh. In my opinion, you can't have your cake and eat it too and it's merely a gimmick.

I know a girl from another forum who dated exclusively women for a while and then ended up dating the forum admin when he moved to England. I just think she was pissed off at men but still wanted attention *shrug*.

obviously there are attention whores out there but there are definitely plenty of girls who are legitimately attracted to both sexes. i'm not sure if it's exactly the same kind of attraction though.
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Speaking of lesbians, I have this insane fantasy of having two lesbian gfs that treat me like shit. They're in love and want nothing from me but to use me like a dildo and humiliate me when they don't allow me to have an organism.