Males and Females

Why does everyone act like Ozz is the only drinker on this forum? All of you are alcoholics.
I don’t think anyone acts like Ozz is the only drinker on this forum. No idea where you’re getting that from.

“All of you are alcoholics” is a hell of an assumption to make also. I’ll just assume you’re shitposting or whitenighting.

The issue is that I actually admitted I have a problem. Recognizing your flaws is somehow bad on this forum. Not a very in crowd thing to do I guess.

This is proof you cant be honest on the internet. Others will exploit that to their gain.

herp derp, Ozz si doopid and dats why he lost all da weight cos he has no brainz

You right now with the shitposting:

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You need to try harder.
I don’t think you’re stupid, I just think you’re lazy and you contribute nothing to this place but lethargic jadedness. You readily admit that you get nothing from being here and you only shit post here now because you’re bored. You keep crapping on about how you’ve lost weight but all you’ve done is stop drinking because you have a problem lashing out online when you’re drunk. Here’s a tip: Find something better to do.
The issue is that I actually admitted I have a problem. Recognizing your flaws is somehow bad on this forum. Not a very in crowd thing to do I guess.

This is proof you cant be honest on the internet. Others will exploit that to their gain.

I mean, it takes a while for some people to come to the conclusion they have a problem. It took me 15 years. I'm more inclined to be okay with that than those who use other types of drugs and take the moral high ground that their choice is better for some reason (I'm looking at you, chronic pot smokers).

Dude stop editing this post I'm getting lost.

Also, what does your decision have to do with pot smokers anyway. Are there any "chronic pot smokers"on this forum that this is aimed at?

You just seem to hate everybody for some reason.
but all you’ve done is stop drinking because you have a problem lashing out online when you’re drunk

If you think the only reason I stopped drinking was because of my conduct online, you are very wrong. My reasons were more than superficial. I mean, what sense does it make for someone to enter a recovery program over the fact that some shit they posted on an internet forum was inflammatory when they were 15 beers deep? If it were strictly that, I would've had Deron 'ban' me like CIG or TB and just continued on my way. No surprise you're an assumptive douchebag about it though. You seem to be very good at that one thing. Keep doing you, man. It's ironic that you called Dak out for being assumptive when you did the exact same thing.

Find something better to do.

Make me. I have plenty of hobbies. I just do this because I find it funny. Tough shit for you
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yea you're right I guess I should have said head but yea it's like a rose stem design with thorns.

kinda like this, only all black:
Could've been a lot worse. I'm not really a fan of tattoos at all but they don't stop me from getting to know someone, if there's time for that in the scenario. :tickled: It is funny to see other people get genuinely disgusted or offended by tattoos.
If you think the only reason I stopped drinking was because of my conduct online, you are very wrong. My reasons were more than superficial.
I don't give a shit to be honest. You should edit your post another hundred times though techbarb.

I just do this because I find it funny.
You're a regular comedian. You should take that material out on the road.

I think STN got a little triggered.
Careful, I might fly into an online alcoholic meltdown.