Males and Females

i posted a pic of a facebook hottie and no one made any kind of a comment about how sexy she looked
no one even bothered to say "she's ugly" and i "have shit taste in women"
what the effing hell??
It's mostly accurate in the US highschool/college age demo

Is it? I'd assume most young guys have sparse rooms with just a bed, a computer desk and a gaming PC or something like that. Meanwhile young women often have pretty messy rooms, clothes strewn about etc.

The key difference seems to be that women can be messy but rarely are unhygienic. You won't find germ farms growing under a girl's bed like Iron Wizard.
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Is it? I'd assume most young guys have sparse rooms with just a bed, a computer desk and a gaming PC or something like that. Meanwhile young women often have pretty messy rooms, clothes strewn about etc.

The key difference seems to be that women can be messy but rarely are unhygienic. You won't find germ farms growing under a girl's bed like Iron Wizard.

Eh, sometimes you get the clothes strewn about but that's about it. Girls cars on the other hand good god. You will find germ farms.
Like I said, I've just seen too many counter-examples, could be that I've had an anomalous experience, because I don't know a single guy who ever had a room like that, but I've known many girls who have chaotic rooms mostly involving never putting clothes away.

Cars I've seen just as many guys with disgusting cars as girls so... I dunno, meme is a massive flop to me.
Like I said, I've just seen too many counter-examples, could be that I've had an anomalous experience, because I don't know a single guy who ever had a room like that, but I've known many girls who have chaotic rooms mostly involving never putting clothes away.

Cars I've seen just as many guys with disgusting cars as girls so... I dunno, meme is a massive flop to me.

You also don't live in the US, might have some to do with it. I've never seen a guys room that bad either, but generally speaking it doesn't become a successful culturally related meme without an element of truth.
Well like you said, it is also outdated. The era of the true basement dweller is over, since even a fucking retard can make money streaming video games, so "basement dwellers" today have some nice things.

There's also the meme of when a guy has his own place it's basically empty except for gaming equipment, which can't exist without some truth, so something has to give. You can't have an empty sparse unlived-in house and a pigsty simultaneously haha.