Males and Females

i had sex that wasn't a one-night-stand
she's going to church [without me] tomorrow and i'll be able to see her for about an hour or so after her I-O-P before she goes into her shelter Monday, and i'll prolly get to fuck her again Tuesday
i had sex that wasn't a one-night-stand
she's going to church [without me] tomorrow and i'll be able to see her for about an hour or so after her I-O-P before she goes into her shelter Monday, and i'll prolly get to fuck her again Tuesday
she's got 2 boyfriends that know about each other, and a 3rd guy that thinks she's being monogamous with him
the first 2 guys don't know about the 3rd, and i gotta deal with her bitching and whining about her 3 guys and her telling me that i'm the only one she's being completely honest with
i’m truly astonished to discover that a woman who slept with you is a four-timing slut with no standards

Seeing as I hardly post in this thread, I've recently come to realize how irritating it is trying to find the right time to whimsically converse with the fetching maiden at the paint department without either fellow employees or other customers being in earshot. Go buy your fucking paint someplace else, shitcunts.
I went to a. "sitting, which is this silly student thing where you eat food and sing songs and shit, I sat opposite a girl i had a lot of shit in common with, including a love of Lathimos movies, anyway she's not single because of course she isn't. I go to this after-party and along the way I chat up this other girl in an uncharacteristic display of confidence and charisma. I ask this nerd friend of mine if he thinks she likes me and he says yeah sure and asks if I know her name, I say sure I do, it's Paula. Then this nerd friend, fucking wingman of the year , asks her name directly and it turns out it's Petra. Then later on in our conversation it turns out she's a single mom and nerd friend shoots me a look that says "sorry dude". I make sure to give my nerd friend some free beers. Then we go to this after-after party and the guards refuse to let me in because I'm too drunk. They tell me to go have a burger and sober up, I do, they still refuse to let me in. FUXKING FASCISTS. I go home. I'm going to fall asleep on the floor now because I don't have a bed. Good night