I went to a. "sitting, which is this silly student thing where you eat food and sing songs and shit, I sat opposite a girl i had a lot of shit in common with, including a love of Lathimos movies, anyway she's not single because of course she isn't. I go to this after-party and along the way I chat up this other girl in an uncharacteristic display of confidence and charisma. I ask this nerd friend of mine if he thinks she likes me and he says yeah sure and asks if I know her name, I say sure I do, it's Paula. Then this nerd friend, fucking wingman of the year , asks her name directly and it turns out it's Petra. Then later on in our conversation it turns out she's a single mom and nerd friend shoots me a look that says "sorry dude". I make sure to give my nerd friend some free beers. Then we go to this after-after party and the guards refuse to let me in because I'm too drunk. They tell me to go have a burger and sober up, I do, they still refuse to let me in. FUXKING FASCISTS. I go home. I'm going to fall asleep on the floor now because I don't have a bed. Good night