Males and Females

yeah but you also have to remind yourself that clearly you guys weren't as connected as you thought, well definitely not on her end at least. In other words, fuck that bitch. Spend more time going after that one single mom you told us about last time instead of wasting your time and mental well being on a broad whos getting dicked down by another dude right now. If Wainds can do it, so can you ... lol.

Honestly I might have kept going after the single mom, she was pretty hot and we had a lot of things to talk about and I guess single moms need love too. But when the fascist guards didn't let me into the afterparty I lost contact with her and I don't know how to find her now.
Honestly I might have kept going after the single mom, she was pretty hot and we had a lot of things to talk about and I guess single moms need love too. But when the fascist guards didn't let me into the afterparty I lost contact with her and I don't know how to find her now.
ahhh man, those are the ones that bother me the most. When you meet someone and think/know that there might be something there and then lose contact without getting a number/name etc. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of Swedish snowbunnies for you to choose from out there, just grab your wingman and go on the prowl. Or you can just ask aug for some some tips and pointers, lol.
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Found the mom's Facebook. It's full of pictures of her and pictures of children, all of which have usually 3, sometimes 4 children. Not sure if they're all hers. No men in any of the photos. Should probably stay away.
That American girl I'm still hung up on announced her engagement today. Somebody kill me. I'm sure you think I'm fucking stupid to be hung up on someone who lives on another continent who hasn't talked to me for over half a year but I still have this fear - and I can't convince myself it is an illegitimate fear - that I'll never feel as connected to anyone as I did to her when we actually talked.

You've just gotta get out there and date. Kids or not, it's good to get the ball rolling, and, fwiw, dating somebody always seems to make it easier to start dating somebody else if you're not that into it.

I had a similar situation (continents and all) last year and was pretty wrecked by it. I spent the first 5-6 months afterward isolated myself and mulling over the same fears. I think that was exacerbated in part because we made a little pact to not talk with each other, but to visit if we were in the same city, and it was already known at the time we broke up that we'd encounter that circumstance within the next few months afterward. I wrote her a couple of weeks ahead of time and it turned out she was already back in a serious relationship with a guy she met a few weeks after we separated. We never actually ended up meeting. She turned it down because she didn't want to stir up old feelings. It really hurt, but it was a wake-up call. I still suffered a bit in the months that followed, but dating at least for dating's sake can lead to some positive reflection on yourself and relationships with others. At the very least, some intimate contact can help to restore some confidence. I was still pretty convinced I wouldn't come across somebody I'd feel as close to as her, and yet I've since found myself in a better relationship with somebody who might even relocate continents to stay with me. I didn't intend it and sort of stumbled into it while dating a couple of others, but strong, lasting relationships don't exactly tend to be anticipated when they first begin.
Yes, listen to TechBarb, Regal of all that is GMD-ly in its GMD-liness. Spend your life isolating yourself, but do it stoned and on an internet forum to avoid the lonely thoughts. Certainly don't consider projecting your feelings into a constructive affair.

@TechnicalBarbarity Sorry sweetie-pie, but being a sociopath isn't normal human conduct, regardless of how effective it was at helping you to unmask true madness and turn GMD on its head.. Props on that again.
Yes, listen to TechBarb, Regal of all that is GMD-ly in its GMD-liness. Spend your life isolating yourself, but do it stoned and on an internet forum to avoid the lonely thoughts. Certainly don't consider projecting your feelings into a constructive affair.

@TechnicalBarbarity Sorry sweetie-pie, but being a sociopath isn't normal human conduct, regardless of how effective it was at helping you to unmask true madness and turn GMD on its head.. Props on that again.

whateeeeever you say, simp.
I'm not sure why TB wants so much credit for outing Omni. When you spend a bunch of time with someone, palling around playing videogames and such, seems like it wouldn't be that hard to catch them in lie. I don't know how someone could enjoy spending any amount of time, virtual or otherwise, with that personality.
I'm not sure why TB wants so much credit for outing Omni. When you spend a bunch of time with someone, palling around playing videogames and such, seems like it wouldn't be that hard to catch them in lie. I don't know how someone could enjoy spending any amount of time, virtual or otherwise, with that personality.
bahahha i smell some jealousy, is that whyy you wanted to pop up in the other thread and throw in your "heyy i knew toooo, dont leave me out" post. :lol:

Palling around? lmao, he helped me get the platinum for Demons Souls. We didnt play any other game together before or ever since.

And what the fuck does omni have to do with this thread? And anyway, i was saying he wasnt who he said he was yeeears before he even messaged me on facebook. Tbh you sound like a straight up scorned faggot here, maybe all those fat butchy woman that you hang out with at concerts have been getting to you.

BUBUT WHY DOES TB WANT CREDIT WAA WAAAA ... hahah you little crosseyed faggot
Found the mom's Facebook. It's full of pictures of her and pictures of children, all of which have usually 3, sometimes 4 children. Not sure if they're all hers. No men in any of the photos. Should probably stay away.
well i guess you can forget about having anything long term(for your own good), but why not give her a nice poking?