Males and Females

Went out with a typical hipster this evening full of thrill-seeking/callous behavior and self-obsession. The self-centered, destructive jerk side of me was influenced and brought out by her.

What I got out of today - Don't try to talk to a woman after 8 shots of Jager, you will babble incoherently and it will either be hilarious or repulsive.

And don't wait until you are drunk before you're brave enough to dance by yourself.
Grant, ovulation happens 2 weeks before menstrual bleeding. You'd just be knocking them up right and left!

Jimmy...sounds like a good and tragic night you had!
That girl at my work, the one who I was going to ask out like a month ago, is a military wife, and when my supervisor saw me talking to her today he asked if I was interested in her. I said she was "awesome, but very married," and he seems to think military wives are more available than other dudes' wives. I lost so much respect for the guy.
Judging by how most military wives act (i.e. like filthy whores), I'm somewhat in agreeance with him.

Which is actually just really sad. I fucking hate women like that.
Judging by how most military wives act (i.e. like filthy whores), I'm somewhat in agreeance with him.

Which is actually just really sad. I fucking hate women like that.

Ya you won't see too many military personnel or priors disagree with this statement (re: Dak's reply). But ya, military wifs and female military personnel are fucking bitches mang! (no offense dak lol)

Granted I'm not married but I wouldn't expect my girlfriend to be like that at all if I were in still. She's too much of a homebody and a family oriented person to do something sleezy like that.
Yes. Not that any period blood I've ever smelled was just that metally smell of regular blood. It's something else, and it's repulsive to me.