Males and Females

Well, Ashley called me today even though I wasn't expecting to hear from her for at least a couple weeks after our "final meltdown" before making the break official (mostly me but whatever). As my luck would show, the one time I didn't have my phone on vibrate she would call me twice and I missed both calls. I had my ringer on for some stupid ass reason and didn't hear it when I was blasting Pink Floyd's The Wall so I missed them. I immediately tried calling her back when I saw I missed the calls but she didn't answer. Oh, and did I mention the song Nobody Home was playing softly when I tried calling her? Ooooooooooooooh babe, when I pick up the phone, there's still nobody home (total mindfuck here ppl). She texted me immediately saying she was going to school to help her mom do some shit and would try me later. Later came, I'm about to go to bed so I called her a couple times and no answer. She ended up texting me back saying she was busy doing something with her dad and would call me tomorrow. By this point I'm getting pissed off but I kept my cool and said, "Ok, I didn't mean to bug you I just wasn't expecting to hear from you for at least a couple weeks so I figured it was kind of important." She told me not to freak out that she'd call me tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure this is good news, that maybe my uber sob fest on the phone really hit home with her. She's been trying to make me cry since we met because I'm so calm under strenuous situations (gee I wonder where I learned that from?) and has told me for years, "You'd cry if I ever broke up with you, they all do." I called bullshit on that for so long just to fuck with her, and of course she was right (fucking women and being right a lot of the time).

Anyways, things are looking up, I think. Maybe? I don't know. I'm doing better though so that counts for something.

P.S. Jimmy, thanks for the advice and whatnot. I know what you're saying and the level-headed part of me tried convincing myself of all of that but it's just a lot harder than I thought it'd be.
Oh, yea, I feel ya man. I bitched and whined plenty over girls and relationships but I've become numb to the infamous vagina.

and not to shit on your parade or anything, but did you not see this ( "You'd cry if I ever broke up with you, they all do." ) as a red flag?

I literally dropped jaw when I read that!
:lol: That was actually a joke on her part. Although her last boyfriend named Randy was calling her non-stop when I first met her crying on the phone, "I LOVE YOU ASHLEY I DIDNT DO IT I SWEAR!" (she heard he cheated on her) and there I was, laughing my ass off at the guy. And up until recently I still chuckled at the thought whenever we happened to reminisce about when we first met. I probably won't be doing that anymore tbh.
1. Not a whorebag.

Exactly. Nothing says "I'm not a whorebag" like posing for a photoshoot with nothing covering one's almost entirely naked breasts besides (what appears to be) cookie sprinkles for thousands of men to wank off to, and for money no less!
At least she gets paid. Most girls these days don't even rate to get called whores. Whores get paid, and to call a slut a whore is to insult the professionals.
For those who care, we're back together. There's no "break" or "broken up" label that can be attached to our status anymore. She just needs some "space" to figure some stuff out and she took my advice that this should be a mutual thing. It's only fair to both of us that we try to work out these issues together since they involve both of us. Basically what's going to happen is we're going to have a few days to ourselves and then talk about what we're feeling/thinking and go from there. If it doesn't pan out and she isn't happy or content with the progress we make (if any) then that'll be it.
good shit man,sounds like a wise move.My fucking ex-fiance contacted me last night after us not speaking for over 6 months.I dunno what to think,had the best and worst times with this woman,when it was good it was great but the opposite was also true.To be honest i could'nt give a fuck one way or the other if I never spoke to her again but you gotta wonder why she'd contact me outt've the blue after so long,I did'nt give her a huge welcome like she may have expected so I guess i'll just see what she wants.
So that chick I told to fuck off five months ago, that chick who a year earlier used to be my best friend, the one who just completely shut down and stopped talking to me, ended up waving me down at a fair while my g/f was on a ride to speak to me. It was a nice, long chat too. Normally I'd have been like "holy shit, took long enough".

Except even now, she doesn't really talk to me still. We live in the same small village of 200-300 people. She never says hi, I never see her outside anymore, and even now, conversations online generally only last maybe 3-4 minutes before she says "gotta go, bye".

I can't tell if she's still pissed off at me or not, but if so... the fuck, women? Why do you constantly confuse us guys with this mixed signals bullshit? I even apologized and said "hey, thank you, it was nice talking to you, sorry for any bullshit, I hope we can be friends again". I thought I did good here... why still the semi-silent treatment?

So me and this girl recently started hanging out again. We've met up twice since December; once during the Christmas break, and yesterday. And you know, whenever we do hang out in person, it's a fucking blast. Admittedly there's still hints of tension here or there, which is understandable, but regardless, the couple times we've chilled together, we both seemed to enjoy each other's company, and I had some of the most fun I've had in awhile. She even agreed that she wanted to meet up with me again before she left for Ottawa again on Monday. Yesterday, I actually had hope that she might be coming around, and that there might be a chance we can become good friends again.

Now, that'd be all fine and dandy, were it not for the fact that when we're not hanging out in person, she still seems to have this cold, aversive demeanor towards me... it seems like 90% of the time I've asked in the past three months (which isn't all the time, so it's not like I haven't been giving her space, or time), she either has an excuse as to why she can't hang, or doesn't even get back to me in the first place.

Today, I texted her, asking her what was up, and just got a "Nothing." Then followed it up by asking if she wanted to hang out tomorrow, like she agreed we should, and didn't even get a reply.

Like, I just wanna get on good terms again, like we used to be, and she makes me feel like a creep over it. It just never seems to be enough. It's just fucking confusing and disappointing, that she acts so different towards me IRL and through text... sorta makes me feel like I should stop trying altogether.
Is it ok to ask girls out on dates on facebook? I mean people I kind of know, who go to the same lectures as me, who I chat to about essays and shit?

I want coffee with the cute pie of cuddles.
Yes, it is definitely okay. I basically did what Krampus did and it has worked out very well so far. Facebook has settled into a nice intermediary position between not knowing someone, and knowing someone well enough to get their phone number. It's pretty forward these days to ask for a girl's number if you just briefly met at a party or something, so asking out over facebook is becoming acceptable. Just realize it is a casual medium that is really only appropriate for asking for first dates.

sorta makes me feel like I should stop trying altogether.
This is very easy for me to say as a detached observer who does not know you or her, and only has cursory knowledge of the situation, but it sounds to me like you should stop trying.

Honestly, she sounds emotionally manipulative, and nobody needs that in their life. You sound like a normal guy who has friends and isn't socially awkward, so having fun with people you like should be easy. If someone is making it difficult, and is making you feel bad sometimes, then why bother?
There's this female in my focus group and we clearly are really into each other, but am afraid of trying with her because of pain that was inflicted on me because of another female. A very shitty expirience that changed me for the worse. Mentally am not what I was before nor is my sex drive. I'm afraid she will not be able to lift/shift the pain so am scared of trying to get closer/intimate and connect because the pain, this sucks, I just want to be how I was before.:ill:

If we feel in love and she created something for me to see in my head would that be enough to kill the pain and end it ?. Or am I going to end up hurting this chick because maybe think am ready, but am not. This is fucked up.
I'm losing my sex drive completely. I only wank in the morning and it's just a material thing. I don't even know what to think about. Last night it was about hiding a spider under my foreskin. The victim's reaction.