Males and Females

I'm losing my sex drive completely. I only wank in the morning and it's just a material thing. I don't even know what to think about. Last night it was about hiding a spider under my foreskin. The victim's reaction.

I'm 23 and start getting in odd relationships with older woman and prevent them and some odd shit is going on. If I could just be with a chick around my age it would be a miracle. I'm stressed out all the time and have anxiety problems that sometimes think it might cause serious problems like causing my organs to explode or something. And I think it's why have sex drive issues and who I interact with when it comes to the opposite sex. If am stressed out and going through anxiety my penis does not work and hate the fact that woman have control over my stress,my drive,my life. My life is the period channel and bizarre. You don't even want to know what my life is and live it everyday. As of right now would do anything to have someone elses live. If it was living under a bridge in brooklyn new york would. I'll be here typing all night so don't make me do it. I hate whatever my life is. I'm not going to live that long at this rate. And I'm almost glad.
I'm trying to find the easiest way to die. And I think am starting to figure out my advantage/gift.
Cant you smoke some weed or something? Get drunk or something?


those aren't ways to die, I mean so you don't feel all anxious and gay.
Alcohol makes me misrable. It's one of those things where have never known why drink because it makes me feel like shit and ruins everything, but I did it anyways. Being sober sucks less. I won't touch that shit ever again.
My heart also barely works and take 3 different meds. Not suppose to drink or do drugs.
The thing is that alcohol/drugs has to do with not wanting to get involved with female to some extent, because if she ditches me will resort to drinking/doing drugs because become emotionally attached easily. I hate getting hurt. And could possibly be putting my health at risk also. Not just my mind. I value mental health now and am actually pretty healthy aslong as do not drink or do drugs, but my life is difficult enough. A female requires a lot of effort mentally and pysically and I usually either back out or one ditches me. I guess I need a female that is willing to work with me more then me working with her. And I do get those types that look at me. I don't know why I get so worried. I freak myself out, but I am still terrified of dying without knowing why am suppose to be here.

I'm trying to be positive about this chick in my focus group, but the fact is am also afraid. I could be happy and then it could be over in a split second and not what I think. And I do not take it well.
Ok well fuck what I said.

Just hug a pillow and think of nice snuggly brunette bimbos and eating some nice meal they've cooked for you.
A snuggly brunette bimbo in her 30's,40's who's never been married or had a kid and is loaded. And fucking clingy as fuck. Not because would want to nessecerily get married or have a kid, but you get my point. I think this is the only thing that would be good for me.
Is it totally impossible for you to get out of the Adirondacks and into somewhere more urban? I think that would suit you much better.
I checked myself into an inpatient rehab to get myself out of the adirondacks for 35 days. And because my life scares the shit out of me. I can go Urban 35 days at a time if I want.
I am having some mild mental health issues and kind of want to be alone all the time. MP is wonderful and supportive and loving and I keep being a moody bitchface at him because of my own disordered thinking about myself. WWJD?


KD: What WAIF said. You have a long history together, hope things will work out.

Onder: That's a terrible thing to dream about. I watched "xXx" and thought about you yesterday btw

Krig: LOL

DD: With your despair/hating existence levels you might as well just fling yourself into unknown romantic feelings with reckless abandon. I'm serious.

Srongorrth: High five!

cookiecutter: great minds think alike
You've got foreskin, dude?

Of course. I'm an antichrist fortunately born in Europe so my parents didn't let docs mutilate my genitals for no reason just because of some absurd belief in silly fairytale bullshit. Get over it.

@kramp: It's evil isn't it.. Also, there's a weird location-jump in that movie.. He runs away from something (I don't remember) and slides some rail or something and *BAM* he's on the other side of Prague. :lol:

We were discussing w/ friends few days back why they don't wanna shoot movies in Prague anymore. Apparently when Mission Impo was shot here the city gave Cruise of whoever 10x bigger fee for doing it here than was said before. Hollywood paid it but then few years after that it happened w/ different movie again and now the filmmakers kinda feel sick of our postcommunistic bullshit ways and don't want to deal w/ them anymore. I'm not surprised about that tbh.

PS, Today it's all normal. I masturbated thinking about my classmate who gives me a ride home on tuesdays. She's a blonde chick, silly face, she looks like a hot nerd or something. It gives me a hardon. Her surname is like Fuck-ova in czech so I would gently translate it as Fucks to english, which is awesome. It's like Amy Fucks or something.

Also - to be on topic - I'm apparently in relationship. Which is weird. If i find a job or something it should soon be 2012 to end this bullshit absurd life.
Onder, you may want to clean you dick with a q-tip. I hear your type are quite prone to fungal infections.

Safety first!
Onder, you may want to clean you dick with a q-tip. I hear your type are quite prone to fungal infections.

Safety first!

Dude, I know what water is ffs. Hygiene is quite normal around here.

EDIT: All I'm saying is that if you do STANDARD hygiene (meaning you at least take a shower sometimes) you have nothing to worry about, cut or uncut.
Cronopio is Swedish. Don't they have foreskins too?

xXx is one of the finest cinema masterpieces ever. WELCOME TO THE XANDER ZONE!!!!