Males and Females

Im sitting in my dorm room on a friday night at a university. I have 2 large Papa Johns pizzas, a big thing of ice-cold water, and im playing Counter Strike: Source (Online first person shooter). Needless to say, my love life is off the charts. Im rolling in the pussy.

This sounds like a typical Friday night for me recently, except that I live in an apartment and instead of CS:S, I'm either studying or watching the History Channel or shows I've DVR'd

I can't remember the last time I went out on a Friday/Saturday night.
Things with MP are a little bit rocky. The no sex drive thing is still a problem and I've been such a moody bitch woman for the past few weeks for no reason. We had a long chat about it yesterday and I agreed to go off the pill for a while to see if that changes things. I hope it does.

Also he's trying to get signed to a Japanese record label and wants to move to Tokyo. If that happens we'll have to part ways.

Grumble, grumble. I just haven't really felt very enthusiastic about life in general lately. It feels like I can hardly handle being me, and being me + being a good girlfriend is a huge effort. I swore to quit unproductive stress management tactics (drinking, smoking, eating junk food) and I am kind of stuck on what to do with myself.
Things with MP are a little bit rocky. The no sex drive thing is still a problem and I've been such a moody bitch woman for the past few weeks for no reason. We had a long chat about it yesterday and I agreed to go off the pill for a while to see if that changes things. I hope it does.

Also he's trying to get signed to a Japanese record label and wants to move to Tokyo. If that happens we'll have to part ways.

Grumble, grumble. I just haven't really felt very enthusiastic about life in general lately. It feels like I can hardly handle being me, and being me + being a good girlfriend is a huge effort. I swore to quit unproductive stress management tactics (drinking, smoking, eating junk food) and I am kind of stuck on what to do with myself.

Being off the pill is better for your physical health as well, except for the whole "baby thing".
This sounds like a typical Friday night for me recently, except that I live in an apartment and instead of CS:S, I'm either studying or watching the History Channel or shows I've DVR'd

I can't remember the last time I went out on a Friday/Saturday night.

I've done a fucking 180 on weekend revelries since starting the project in northern VA this January. I have so little of a life while I'm up here during the week that when I come back to Richmond I just want to have the most epic weekend over and over again. Been getting pretty good at it too -- I keep finding new people to hook up with, so I'm not just wearing out my welcome with the same 2-3 dudes all the time. I even made a new female friend last weekend.
I just found my phone and on saturday that girl I was dancing with texted me saying she enjoyed herself.

Yay. I have her number. I wish I'd seen the text on the day.

So I might be getting a date some time soon :)
Being off the pill is better for your physical health as well, except for the whole "baby thing".

Word. And there are plenty of ways to not have babies that don't involve shooting yourself full of hormones.

@Cronopio Because I'm at the point where I don't want to associate "living" with "shortening my lifespan" anymore?
Word. And there are plenty of ways to not have babies that don't involve shooting yourself full of hormones.

@Cronopio Because I'm at the point where I don't want to associate "living" with "shortening my lifespan" anymore?

If you're not feeling how things are going right now you just need to make some sort of change. It may seem really cliche or stupid but I've found that sort of situation, while it may blow over in a while, doesn't really go away or get much better. Re-evaluate what you're doing/want to be doing/should be doing and straight up go for it or work towards it, be it new job, getting better at a job, new hobby, more social activities or changing relationship stuff up. Having something new can potentially give a nice boost and new direction to more fulfilling things.

I recently left one of my jobs (pt at a corporate gym, i also teach kickboxing and independent train at 2 others) because it was really driving me crazy dealing with the corporate stuff and feeling like my career which I loved was getting ruined by other shit. I left there to focus on getting another certification and expand my knowledge and while the start was a little rocky I feel wayyy better now and less stressed plus I feel like there is a cool goal/accomplishment soon and things will be looking up and changing. Don't let shitty situations take over and dumb down what you do.

tl;dr cliche grab life by the balls rant
@Cronopio Because I'm at the point where I don't want to associate "living" with "shortening my lifespan" anymore?

That's healthy and all, but when you've come to the realization that you're going to be


the rest of your life, you need to indulge yourself every once in a while, or risk becoming a total


and even though you can't be like


this all of the time, at least you can have a burger and a beer and maybe all that rage and sadness at not having achieved even a percentage of what you dreamed of, mostly on account of being such a miserable jerk, can be assuaged, at least temporarily.

Do I make myself clear, guv'ness?
my girlfriend tonight told me she's started the pill but is reluctant about all of the side effects (namely depression and loss of sex drive), so I told her to try it out for a month or two, and if she doesn't like it, go off it
my girlfriend tonight told me she's started the pill but is reluctant about all of the side effects (namely depression and loss of sex drive), so I told her to try it out for a month or two, and if she doesn't like it, go off it

good luck! hope it works out.
That sucks, man. Was it mutual, her, or you?, a lot of breakups and relationship tension here lately.