Males and Females

I'd consider that overweight but I'm a fucking fat-nazi so that makes sense. By "consider her overweight" I mean I find her too large to be aesthetically attractive (to me); the logical and reasonable part of my brain realises that she is very much a reasonable and perhaps ideal size for a woman, in terms of health and child-bearing ability etc.
That girl in the picture is way beautiful. Thats almost my ideal body type. Also the girl Master_Yoga is talking about is really thick, but not like in a bad way. Would hit.

Edit: after looking at the girl posted above, she could use some more action in the breast department. Bump those up to a D cup and then we would be cookin
She could definitely use a bit more tit, and ideally she'd definitely be a little thinner, but...not thaat much.

My girlfriend just got back from a 2 week ecology class trip to Uganda. Apparently she saw a lot of fucked up shit, poverty, environmental injustices. I heard about it from her mother about a week ago and she came back today. So I expected she'd be different somehow.

Well, the experiences made her do a lot of thinking, and she concluded that while we are best of friends, she won't be able to spend the rest of her life with me if I'm sitting in a university as an historian for the rest of my life while she spends hers traveling the world and being an environmental and social activist.

It sounds tough but the logic is so clear to see that it should be very easy to accept. We've always been very different people, and now we no longer have to inhibit ourselves in an attempt to compromise ourselves.

Oh yeah, that will make two ex-girlfriends I'll be sharing a house with until at least August. I'll be taking the spare room in the house, and I don't think it will be too much a problem living together still.
So wait, what about the trip made her decide that the two of you can't stay together? Seems like she would already have known that ahead of time based on her career path, unless she was not sold on living abroad until this trip of hers.
zabu of nΩd;9704086 said:
So wait, what about the trip made her decide that the two of you can't stay together? Seems like she would already have known that ahead of time based on her career path.

She did know that ahead of time, but it took this experience to push her to address it. I knew it too, but based it on her commitment since I was the one planning a much less chaotic life. I just want to become a professor and get tenure track, she wants to travel and live in the moment.