Males and Females

Well you heard it man, being detached is kickass I guess.

I don't really care, but I find it odd everyone is jumping on your balls like you're a god damn pornstar.
It's just nice to see proof that while feelings suck, they are manageable and you can move on and part ways without drama. I've always been of the opinion that hearts get bruised but almost never really broken.

As for Zeph, that attitude is kick ass and is actually very attractive to women, or at least to krampuses. A man who will instantly put you as priority #1 is a big turnoff. A busy man on a mission who makes time for you in his busy life is a major win.

holy fuckin shit :lol:
And...Jesus Christ, who's next?

Way to go dick, Ashley just broke up with me officially last night. Yes I'm serious.

We hadn't talked in almost two weeks so I could give her some space and think about stuff. Well, apparently that wasn't long enough and she doesn't feel any better, therefore we are fin. Whether that means temporarily or for good is to be determined. Although she wants to be friends and still talk on the phone.

In the end it doesn't really change much on my end, other than making me a little depressed and regretting a lot of things I've done in the past that have caused this. But I'm still going to stay in Indy until I finish school at the end of July. I already have my plane ticket booked for Hawaii on September 26th so I'm still moving to Hawaii because I can't stay in this fucking place any longer.
In the end it doesn't really change much on my end, other than making me a little depressed and regretting a lot of things I've done in the past that have caused this. But I'm still going to stay in Indy until I finish school at the end of July. I already have my plane ticket booked for Hawaii on September 26th so I'm still moving to Hawaii because I can't stay in this fucking place any longer.

What are you going to do when you get there? The cost of living is unbelievably high.
Find a job, finish school, and try to live a happy life in paradise.

I know the cost of living is high but I'm pretty frugal with my money and don't live outside my means so it shouldn't be much of a problem.
girl wont text me any more. flatmates are annoyed with me for being drunk and retarded too many times. Might have to get drunk and retarded on my own tonight.

Some ffffffffooookin hot girls in the kitchen
I didn't have no foookin sectual wrelaysions with' 'dat foookin creechure!