Males and Females

I think he intends to argue that tenure causes there to be too many old professors who don't do anything (since they now don't have the incentive) filling up jobs that tons of people without tenure would be dying to have.
I'm actually waiting for one of my favorite professors (Dr. Glidden, supreme stoic and current editor of the History of Philosophy Quarterly) to sit down and just school me in this current debate (he is for the abolition of tenure). He recommended me a book which I just ordered for a few bucks.

Man you are so level headed and rational about this Zephyrus! Hope things wind up okay and everyone ends up happy.

I think collegiate level seminars abroad/study trips are pretty much tailored to be stupidly life-changing and shake up everyone's ideas about their existing relationships.

I think I would rather have that then financial exigency, srsly. The Philosophy department is going to be cut :| as are others, but having a Philosophy department go is pretty bad (and from what I've heard, ours is pretty good, though there are only a bit more tan 100 people in the program).
I told Zeph this on Facebook, but he has the most pathetically easy-seeming breakups ever. It's unfair, kind of. Then again, mine have made for excellent lyrical fodder and influence for me to record noise, I've found. Then again, the relationships themselves have been equally fraught with shit I'll never, ever forget, so it follows that the breakups also would.
I too am jealous of that crap. It would seem to me that he doesn't invest a lot of emotion into it and kinda stays detached.
It's probably because I never made relationships the most important part of my life, and saw them as secondary to what I wanted to become and do with my life. I always thought of companionship and intimacy as necessary parts of being human, so I do my best to maintain that part of life, but I don't preoccupy myself with it. I define myself by what I do academically, and my girlfriend had little to do with that. She was always just there, doing her own thing.

On the subject of my strange luck in this sector of life, I just had a conversation with a friend of mine and she said she's going to try to and match me up with somebody she knows. That was lightning fast and I feel a bit guilty for my ex if that pans out, but it feels the best way to cope with what I'm going through.
Im glad im in a steady relationship with the hottest woman in the world atm, if not Id seriously had to get a haircut now to get down and dirty with the best looking ones...
Wow, I'm glad you're taking it so well You guys were together for what, like 2.5 years?
Good luck with the new girl. Your ex seemed really nice and smart but physically speaking you can definitely do better, if you care about that.

And...Jesus Christ, who's next?
Wow, I'm glad you're taking it so well You guys were together for what, like 2.5 years?
Good luck with the new girl. Your ex seemed really nice and smart but physically speaking you can definitely do better, if you care about that.

Would have been 2 years a month from yesterday. And now that it's over I'm coming out and saying that I always was concerned about her weight, but never said anything about it because I knew it would upset her and damage our relationship. I will do better.
I always thought of companionship and intimacy as necessary parts of being human
