Males and Females

girl wont text me any more. flatmates are annoyed with me for being drunk and retarded too many times. Might have to get drunk and retarded on my own tonight.

Some ffffffffooookin hot girls in the kitchen

Girl did text me and we got together

flatmates aren't annoyed or at least can't be bothered to be after they've had a few pints.
Dude I haven't spoken to since the fourth grade added me on Facebook. He's really seriously into muscle cars and quotes "Fast and the Furious" movies in a non-ironic way and looks just like my dad. I remember distinctly in fourth grade I had a kind-of crush on him because he was always sulking around alone, but was self conscious about it because his nose looked like a pickle.
yes i asked out Man-Purse on FB and we have been together for 4 1/2 years

sent him a message "hey i met you last night, you're cute, let's hang out"

Trying this out on a girl I met at a party last night. I don't think the odds are with me but what the hell.