Males and Females

WAIF that's fucked up but you have known for a while she's a bit unstable yeah? Hopefully it's just a gay doldrum that will pass.
Pretty much. Weirdly enough, it's always the week after her period that's the worst. Anyhow, I'm not really a model boyfriend or anything so whatever. Or maybe I am, idk. Fucking women. Kinda wish I was gay. At least I can understand men.

Logically I know it's ridiculous and that everyone is an individual, emotions aren't always rational and when the biggest influence in your life is like that it tends to fuck you up thus why I'm hoping something will change and i'll have a different experience. despite all the shit she is my best friend and has been since i was a little kid but these times when I can't push it away just drive me crazy while the rest of the time i'm extremely glad to have her as a friend. it's pretty fucked up especially like yeah Valerie said how illogical I end up thinking when it comes to this sometimes. thanks krampus i appreciate the support and related story, dunno what i'll do but something will happen eventually and since it's impossible to make a decision without some negative outcome i'll probably just wait until i either break or have an epiphany of what should be

You know there's no limit on the number of periods you can use in a post, right?

Also, shitty situation. If it's fucking you up really bad maybe you should cut her out, but if you can't live without her idk...just get with another woman.
Been in touch with a chick that i used to screw on my way home from the pub lately.I used to just go there pissed,fuck her then leave early the next morning,this was quite a few years ago but lately she's become a really good friend and i'm beginning to like the cut of her jib,as in,i'm starting to think that i'd like to hang out with her more often.She's married but the dude has cancer and it seems like she's looking towards the future.
WAIF I don't imagine you having the emotional capacity to be a model boyfriend. Do you even have feelings?
Huh? I have tons of feelings. And even emotions.
I mean, I listen to her problems a lot, do nice things for her, etc...I've even bought her clothing and jewelery and chocolate. What more does a woman want?

She's married but the dude has cancer and it seems like she's looking towards the future.

That's messed up.
This is freaking me out. Entire forum single within a month I predict.

3 years + and going stronger than ever for me and my other half. I'm more crazy about her now than I was 3 years ago. Hell, even 2 months ago. People around us just want to vomit.

As for you guys here, breakup's are not fun that's for sure. :(
Huh? I have tons of feelings. And even emotions.
I mean, I listen to her problems a lot, do nice things for her, etc...I've even bought her clothing and jewelery and chocolate. What more does a woman want?

Depending on the woman that ranges anywhere from the sun, the moon, a white dwarf star...I stand corrected. You just seem incredibly methodical and calculating, but I did see a streak of vulnerability when you were emo about K so I rescind my assessment of you being emotionally unavailable. Sorry!
combo breaker comin' up:

Well, me and the old lady (the one I used to have a lot of problems with) are back together. Actually, we've been back together since November (after I got locked up for a week; worst week of my life), and aside from a couple times where we had some fights (working out some shit from the past), we have been pretty stable. Actually, more stable than we've been since...August of '09 I think. So things are looking pretty good. I was so fucked up in '10 and part of '09 that I'm just glad to have some stability in my life again. I've been not depressed for a pretty long time and I don't even take meds anymore (except for Ativan if I want to get high). She lives in Tucson now and I practically live with her, and we have a nice time together. Shit is pretty good.
Reading through this thread is like entering the Twilight Zone. :|
I must be from another planet. I'm out.


combo breaker comin' up:

Well, me and the old lady (the one I used to have a lot of problems with) are back together. Actually, we've been back together since November (after I got locked up for a week; worst week of my life), and aside from a couple times where we had some fights (working out some shit from the past), we have been pretty stable. Actually, more stable than we've been since...August of '09 I think. So things are looking pretty good. I was so fucked up in '10 and part of '09 that I'm just glad to have some stability in my life again. I've been not depressed for a pretty long time and I don't even take meds anymore (except for Ativan if I want to get high). She lives in Tucson now and I practically live with her, and we have a nice time together. Shit is pretty good.

Well since you got back together in November it doesn't count as a combo breaker :bah:

Sounds like things are going well though!

And uh, who/when did this chain begin with?