Males and Females

I do not use Facebook, and haven't done so since 2009.

How do you look at pictures of classmates, then?

Stupid Greys-esque rant below.

I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. It was five months, but she was a lot more dependent than I thought. She wasn't even in school today. I'm not gonna go for other girls until I leave the country this summer. I just don't want to deal with all of the crap that comes with a girl wanting a relationship with me. I suppose I could try casual sex, but I probably wouldn't get off and would have to pretend I did after a few minutes so I can leave.
Rebound from the breakup has been running relatively OK. She's been up and down but things are improving. She invited me to smoke a bowl with her today so I think a full friendship is on the way.

I also discovered today that a fellow History major in a couple of my classes is basically going down a rather similar academic path as I am. We've been friendly in class plenty of times but that's the only time we ever saw one another. I really fancy her, but don't know enough about her to know whether she'd start to like me. Well today, another person who happens to be in the same two classes she and I are invited me to grab drinks with him sometime. So I proposed to him that we invite the girl too. I invited her and she said she's interested but I have to remind her next week.

It's weird, only a week since the breakup and I'm already preoccupying myself with finding another girl ASAP. I have so much writing I need to do the rest of the semester. But this girl seems, from an academic standpoint, my best fit yet. But I don't know her enough.

CLIFFS: Zephyrus ends 2-year relationship, now in the preliminary stages of courting a girl.
How do you look at pictures of classmates, then?

Stupid Greys-esque rant below.

I broke up with my girlfriend yesterday. It was five months, but she was a lot more dependent than I thought. She wasn't even in school today. I'm not gonna go for other girls until I leave the country this summer. I just don't want to deal with all of the crap that comes with a girl wanting a relationship with me. I suppose I could try casual sex, but I probably wouldn't get off and would have to pretend I did after a few minutes so I can leave.

This is freaking me out. Entire forum single within a month I predict.
I told my counciler who's a woman one time that have this habit of judging females by other females. And she told me that mary is not jessica or something along those lines. I think as of right now this might be the most usefull important thing someone has said to me my entire life. Unless she's wrong and lied.
Today was vaguely alarming. My bitch whined all day about feeling down, then claimed not to be sad, then asked me not to leave her for not being cheerful, then criticized me for not being as supportive as her friends, then demanded that I come out with her and her friends on Friday. Gonna bring my socially unacceptable buddy and we'll get drunk and he'll probably fight with her gender-studies-major best friend.
Single in a month, eh? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
I told my counciler who's a woman one time that have this habit of judging females by other females. And she told me that mary is not jessica or something along those lines. I think as of right now this might be the most usefull important thing someone has said to me my entire life. Unless she's wrong and lied.


She lied
my best friend is making me hate women. i keep trying to push it out of my mind and think "no she's your best friend you can meet other girls and losing her would be stupid, get over it" but i seriously can't and i've had feelings for her since i was 14. i know she doesn't feel the same way and though i try to conceal them so as for it to not be weird she obviously knows from a very few times over these years there've been slip ups or signs and yet she somehow manages to crush my feelings all the time and make it painfully obvious that she's not interested even when i'm not hitting on her (like when something would happen to her and we'd be talking online and i'd basically console her and she'd blatantly push it away as if it were a comeon when it wasn't and i was just trying to be a good friend to someone whos fucking sad). It's fucking brutal because sometimes the way she'll talk about stuff or respond to things is so ridiculously crushing and cold making it seem almost as if she's trying to stab me in the heart to kill my feelings for fun since it's obviously past the point of me knowing nothing would change so her doing that accomplishes nothing.

Something's gotta change soon because this is fucking me up seriously and ripping my emotions to shreds no matter how hard i try to put them aside and get rid of them constanttllyy. i've tried meeting other girls too but never really get anywhere serious or i fucked it up or my thoughts about her got in the way. hopefully i do meet someone great and can forget about it or something will happen because i seriously fucking HATE women with a passion and getting angrier every day. fucking women.
my best friend is making me hate women. i keep trying to push it out of my mind and think "no she's your best friend you can meet other girls and losing her would be stupid, get over it" but i seriously can't and i've had feelings for her since i was 14. i know she doesn't feel the same way and though i try to conceal them so as for it to not be weird she obviously knows from a very few times over these years there've been slip ups or signs and yet she somehow manages to crush my feelings all the time and make it painfully obvious that she's not interested even when i'm not hitting on her (like when something would happen to her and we'd be talking online and i'd basically console her and she'd blatantly push it away as if it were a comeon when it wasn't and i was just trying to be a good friend to someone whos fucking sad). It's fucking brutal because sometimes the way she'll talk about stuff or respond to things is so ridiculously crushing and cold making it seem almost as if she's trying to stab me in the heart to kill my feelings for fun since it's obviously past the point of me knowing nothing would change so her doing that accomplishes nothing.

Something's gotta change soon because this is fucking me up seriously and ripping my emotions to shreds no matter how hard i try to put them aside and get rid of them constanttllyy. i've tried meeting other girls too but never really get anywhere serious or i fucked it up or my thoughts about her got in the way. hopefully i do meet someone great and can forget about it or something will happen because i seriously fucking HATE women with a passion and getting angrier every day. fucking women.

1. Just because she fucks with you does not mean other women intend to. People are individuals, realize this.

2. Be up front with her and explain, and then either cut her out of your life or fix things.
WAIF that's fucked up but you have known for a while she's a bit unstable yeah? Hopefully it's just a gay doldrum that will pass.

I have a perennial "I want to be siiiiingle" crisis but I always err on the side of logic and shut up that voice. The dating game seems so much more fun when you're not playing it.

Enemy242 that is a sad fucked up situation to be in. TBH I don't know if being her friend is even a good idea at this point if she keeps crushing you and it has turned you into a misogynist. I got dropped recently by a male friend with whom there was a similar situation and while it hurts, I understand he did what he needed to do. I'm sure your friend would be fine. But I don't know either of you and I am in no position to be doling out yeah. e-hug.
Logically I know it's ridiculous and that everyone is an individual, emotions aren't always rational and when the biggest influence in your life is like that it tends to fuck you up thus why I'm hoping something will change and i'll have a different experience. despite all the shit she is my best friend and has been since i was a little kid but these times when I can't push it away just drive me crazy while the rest of the time i'm extremely glad to have her as a friend. it's pretty fucked up especially like yeah Valerie said how illogical I end up thinking when it comes to this sometimes. thanks krampus i appreciate the support and related story, dunno what i'll do but something will happen eventually and since it's impossible to make a decision without some negative outcome i'll probably just wait until i either break or have an epiphany of what should be
Dude, just go gay. All you do when your gay is hang out like a man, do man things, and have sex.

It's like a double win situation.