Males and Females

Well, easy is a matter of perspective.

Sure it is, and water is wet. What's your point?

My point is that hope is easy and for weak minded people. The same people that say obvious shit like "everything happens for a reason" as if causation was something they just discovered.

Leaving your life up to some fate is irresponsible.
Hope isn't something I'm relying upon so much. It is just one of those things I never gave up, and its turning out to be a positive. I could have given up hoping that there is a possibility of things working out again...and just simply moved on with my life, but I chose to hold onto that hope.

Now that I realize there is a chance yet, I've got to switch my focus to putting in the effort to getting things where I want them to be. Hope was a vehicle to get me where I am now, but the path ahead must be traveled by my own two feet now.
Oh, yeah, I forgot, God favors you and your family and all those people that died in Japan deserved it, right?

Deserve doesn't really enter into it. I don't deserve to die any more/less than your average person.

As far as how well things are going, a lot of it is outlook. Some people would look at what I have and turn down a place switch. For what I expect out of life, it's going great.
Regardless, my point wasn't about your shortsighted beliefs or your good fortune in life. It was the fact that I noticed that once in awhile when someone was to post a problem they were having you'd chime in as the antithesis and leave some dick comment on how great it was for you, because you are in fact, a dick.
Got any examples other than me answering a question that krampus asked with a legitimate answer?

I think you are seeing this through a clouded personal lense. You have said things weren't going great for you (hence the move for a change of scenery), so you perceive all my positive comments regarding my own situation, regardless of context, as "dickish" to you.
Nah, dude, not at all. I have no problem with you other than the fact that you come off as a highbrow snob sometimes.

I remember a couple of these guys posting about their break ups and what not and you making statements like "things couldn't get any better with my wife and I" and that's great dude, honestly I'm happy for ya, but at least show some tact and try not posting something like that immediately after someone is reaching out for a bit of advise or consolation.
Pretty sure WAIF asked "Does anyone have anything positive to post in here" or something to that effect, so I answered. It's not like I've never had a breakup in my life, and a breakup is a far cry from a divorce or something related. The way my sister in law (amongst others) goes through date-ees I might have become fairly calloused towards the whole dating thing.

Edit: I promise I am not trolling. I really do perceive ;) my life to be going great.
I think the philosophical dialogues of Seinfeld could shine an important light on the issue of hope.

George: I don't want hope. Hope is killing me. My dream is to become hopeless. When you’re hopeless you don't care. And when you don't care, that indifference makes you attractive.
Jerry: So, hopelessness is the key?
George: It's my only hope.

I bow to you.
The grass is always greener. It might be wise to keep in mind that girls aren't notches in a toolbelt. This is not to say that if you are legitimately unhappy with your relationship with her that you should bite the bullet, just that I think you should have a better reason for breaking up with her beyond a rather immature and selfish "I want more girlfriends" mentality.

Nonono, I'm not trying to imply that I would break up with her to 'be with more girls', but sometimes I get the feeling that I would like to try something new, you know? I'm not dumb enough to break up with her over something so silly. Anyway, thanks for the reply.
It might not be so silly. If you're getting bored with your life now, imagine how it could be several years down the road.

Yeah, and I've been toying around with the thought that we may still be together once she's out of school. I'm not sure how I'd feel about moving in with her (or anyone much for that matter). I usually get sick of most people if I'm constantly around them for more than maybe a few days.

For now, I'm happy with our relationship, and despite what I said in my post from a few pages back, I'm content with the girl I'm with; I just get that feeling I'd like to try something new every now and again, you know? that post was kind of sort of a manifestation of those thoughts, if you will.
I understand what you mean, cat owner. I sort of wonder sometimes about me and MP. Things have gotten pretty predictable with us and since my mom has been here I've almost forgotten to shoot him the ol' "<3" text message some days. It may be time for the perennial "omg do I want to be a free bird" crisis that always gets shut down with "no you idiot no one will ever treat you better."
Near the end of my last relationship I was debating it... I really wasn't happy at all anymore, and I was getting more and more detached. It had grown to the point where I just wanted to get my rocks off... but she was legitimately a nice girl and I didn't want to hurt her like that by cheating regardless.

Then again, it's not like there's many candidates here anyways. My sex life has grinded to a halt, and I don't see it picking up for awhile, sadly.