Males and Females

How would you guys go about telling a female friend who's been a friend for ages and also in a relationship with another dude for ages that you are'nt interested in fucking around with her without being overly rude or blunt about it? I've just been ending the conversation abruptly but I can't keep avoiding her,it's starting to piss me off a bit.I suppose I could just do the 'friends with benefits thing',really not interested in her enough to fuck up her existing relationship or fuck things for her current boyfriend though and I don't want to be in a relationship with her.
See, if a guy tried to get with my girl and knew about me/our relationship, and succeeded on top of that, two things might happen. One, relationship would be over. Two, I would find you, deflate your lung, and watch you struggle for breath.

Some people take things less seriously than I do, some people more. On average most of the people I know would/have done actions far worse than what I would do in the situation above. Hell, I've seen a few people get absolutely smashed because of stuff with women. Shit, my old friend Thom just repeatedly kicked the shit out of this one fucks throat/head till he stopped moving. I didn't see Thom a lotafter that incident.

I guess the point is this: don't be an absolute fucker, because you never know what psychotic fuck will hunt you down for the most petty shit.
^ I hear you bro. Guys, especially desperate ones, are like wolves man. No matter if a girl's taken or not they're going to continue stalking that shit until they get a piece. If someone ever even attempted to fuck me over like that they'd be dead. Plain and simple. It's the ultimate sign of disrespect and the punishment is brutality.

It's just like when you're in public with your girl and dudes are just eye fucking her left and right. There's nothing wrong with a once over glance, every guy does this. But straight up eye fucking her while she's in my presence and it's OBVIOUS we're together is totally disrespectful and I've had quite a few heated exchanges with dicks in public because of it.

There's nothing wrong with being friends with a chick or checking a chick out if she's with someone, but don't cross the line man. Although, I personally think it's an impossibility for a man and woman to just be friends without there being some sort of attraction from one party or the other (most likely from the male party). Even if all you're doing is talking but the subject is based on "hooking up" or flirting while one or both of you is in a relationship is crossing the line as well. It's a sleezy, disrespectful, asshole thing to do.

So in the end, my advice to you sloughfeg is to tell her the truth. Be a man not a coward, and stand up for what you believe/believe in and tell her. I don't know her obviously, but from what you're explaining about her, she doesn't sound like that good of a friend tbh.
I should've made it more clearer,i've known her for ages and I only ever spoke to her in a friendly manner,never once did anything more cross my mind.I agree totally with you guys,that's the exact reason I don't want to have anything to do with her and the reason I find it very hard to trust most chicks.I know what it'd be like if it happened to me but mostly I don't want anything to do with a bitch like even,even though she's a friend and the worst fucking part of it is that her partner is sick with cancer,I honestly was just being friendly with her but she's making it quite obvious that she wants to be more than friends...And as for smashing dudes for fucking your girl,i've never gotten it,those women are just as much to blame as the dudes.You're in a relationship with the female who for my mind is the one causing the damage,even if it was a close mate that fucks her.That's not to say that I condone that behaviour as a male in the slightest,you'd have to be a fucking sly cunt to go around shagging other dudes gfs and probably deserve a good kicking,i'm just saying that in my opinion the female is just as,if not more guilty in this scenario than the male.I don't know her bf from a bar of soap,yet here she is being a two faced deceitful bitch.I don't know really how to deal with this,yeah you guys are right,that's excellent advice and exactly what I needed to hear.
I should'nt have said that I can't understand why blokes wanna kill other dudes for that,because I certainly can,remembering back to my ex,I definately would've lost it bigtime with some dude if that happened.What I probably should've said was that if I ever get in a relationship again,no matter how much I think i'm in love with her,that i'll always try and keep the thought at the back of my mind that women can be sly bitches also and you never really know what can happen.
Don't go there sloughfeg! Not worth possibly getting murdered over.

Not much is new in krampusland. I got pretty brutally manhandled over the weekend and it was pretty cool. Feeling rad about things with MP as a result.
I emailed that religious girl last night following up her interest in me teaching her Greek. I said I had an interest in studying more of the gospel texts in Greek (which I genuinely do, seeing I'm going to be studying ancient history in Late Antiquity). She got back to me this morning with an enthusiastic email, and it looks like she'll even be around over the summer for one-on-one study.

I feel weird as fuck over this. One the one hand, I really enjoy teaching the Classics to other people, as it helps me learn myself. On the other hand, this girl is so freaking adorable that it will be hard not to make this look like I'm teaching her only to "get together" with her. That and the whole Christian thing, the degree of which I have yet to assess. Funny, my last girlfriend was a pure atheist science major. Am I rebounding?

We'll see how it goes. I'll get to know her more by simple consequence of teaching her, and I'll proceed as necessary.

In other news, I've still got that girl in my history class on my radar, but it will be difficult to make any progress with her until our history theses are handed in at the beginning of April.
WTF at the violent reactions to girl troubles. Is that an American thing? I've cheated on people, been cheated on, and most people I know have been in similar situations, but not one of us has ever smashed anyone or been smashed as a consequence. Not that I'm advocating infidelity or anything, it's just that beating the crap out of someone doesn't seem like a very mature response to me...
I emailed that religious girl last night following up her interest in me teaching her Greek. I said I had an interest in studying more of the gospel texts in Greek (which I genuinely do, seeing I'm going to be studying ancient history in Late Antiquity). She got back to me this morning with an enthusiastic email, and it looks like she'll even be around over the summer for one-on-one study.

I feel weird as fuck over this. One the one hand, I really enjoy teaching the Classics to other people, as it helps me learn myself. On the other hand, this girl is so freaking adorable that it will be hard not to make this look like I'm teaching her only to "get together" with her. That and the whole Christian thing, the degree of which I have yet to assess. Funny, my last girlfriend was a pure atheist science major. Am I rebounding?

We'll see how it goes. I'll get to know her more by simple consequence of teaching her, and I'll proceed as necessary.

In other news, I've still got that girl in my history class on my radar, but it will be difficult to make any progress with her until our history theses are handed in at the beginning of April.

I think you're making a big fuss on the whole Christian thing.
After reading over some of these posts I'm convinced my life needs more drama.

WTF at the violent reactions to girl troubles. Is that an American thing? I've cheated on people, been cheated on, and most people I know have been in similar situations, but not one of us has ever smashed anyone or been smashed as a consequence. Not that I'm advocating infidelity or anything, it's just that beating the crap out of someone doesn't seem like a very mature response to me...

Honestly though, what's the point of being in a relationship if you're going to cheat? No self-control at all?
If you're in a relationship and cheat on the other half, you need your fucking face re-done. There will always be reasons, but if you don't even try talking about your problems with your partner, then maybe the relationship isn't that good to begin with? Not really rocket science, but damn hard for some people to get ...

Naturally, there will always be, as stated, extenuating circumstances, but in general, you don't shit where you eat. Also for people who think it's ok to be with someone in a relationship (if you're aware of it in the first place): It's not ok. Use your brain. Someone is going to get (emotionally) injured, and you're contributing to it. Get some fucking class.

Also, before you accuse me of riding the high horsie: I've been there and done that and jerked off into the t-shirt. I felt like a fucking douchebag, which is what I was. Life moves on, but you've gotta learn from it.
WTF at the violent reactions to girl troubles. Is that an American thing? I've cheated on people, been cheated on, and most people I know have been in similar situations, but not one of us has ever smashed anyone or been smashed as a consequence. Not that I'm advocating infidelity or anything, it's just that beating the crap out of someone doesn't seem like a very mature response to me...

Wanting to beat the crap out of someone for fucking you over isn't immature, it's just a natural response from those monkey genes we have.