Males and Females

:lol: I was actually thinking about him when I wrote the post, but I'm hoping he's not the only other one.



No worries.

I've departed from that stuff a while ago, haha. My last girlfriend was 22 and my current one is 22 as well :B
Am I the only one who would be more upset with my girlfriend than the guy she cheated with? I mean, I'd still have a pretty uncontrollable urge to punch him in the face, but I would hold her responsible overall.
Had the first Greek session with cute girl today. She was dazzled and had a lot of fun, but I'm still not sure how much of that is because of me or because of the subject. Hopefully it's because she's shy. I'll take my time with this...
I don't have time for women for a few weeks. This includes going out at all and drinking.

Fuck yeah.
Latvian chick at work has expressed interest in having a casual sexual relationship. Doubt I'll pursue anything.

Am I the only one who would be more upset with my girlfriend than the guy she cheated with? I mean, I'd still have a pretty uncontrollable urge to punch him in the face, but I would hold her responsible overall.

I would be much more upset/pissed off at the girl.

I should not ask her out after one tutoring session, because she'll interpret that as me setting up the whole Greek thing in order to ask her out. I need to make it look like a consequence, not an aim.

Ah, I didn't realize the tutoring sessions were starting already! I thought they were happening in the summer for some reason.
Am I the only one who would be more upset with my girlfriend than the guy she cheated with? I mean, I'd still have a pretty uncontrollable urge to punch him in the face, but I would hold her responsible overall.

Has anyone expressly stated they wouldn't be upset at the woman?
No, nobody's said anything at all about the woman. People are acting like a guy can steal your woman the way he can steal your wallet. She has to actually be willing to fuck someone else. Which honestly makes her a cheating whore who's not really worth fighting over...
Except you're going to be in the fetal position (again), crying over the fact that love isn't logical and that all your feelings and doubts and insecurities have once again been fucked with, and you can't even, for the love of your life, properly express what the fuck it is you're feeling.

The greatest fear: To not be able to express in words the shitstorm that is brewing within you.
If I was with a girl and some fuckhead ended up sleeping with her, I would end up rearranging the dude's face. That's just the way it fuckin' goes, bud, there's just things you don't do, some impulses you do not act upon, or there will be consequences.

I'm kinda verging into devil's advocate territory here but is punching a dude in the face not just as primal an impulse as wanting to stick it in a hottie? Or is this a case of one act of caveman-ism deserves another? I realise that one act is despicable and the other is considered "defending your honour" or some shit, but the whole justified-violent-retribution thing never really sat well with me in any situation. Short of somebody causing great intentional, undeserved pain or anguish to a very close friend or family member, I can't think of anything that would drive me to find somebody and (attempt) to beat them into a pulp. I just don't feel like it would fix anything, nor provide any personal relief from the emotional pain.


I basically agree with everything you said except the face smashing bit, obviously hahah. Physical pain isn't a substitute for emotional pain, and it's not gonna teach you to be a better person. Maybe I'm totally wrong here but if some dude wrecked me for cheating with his girlfriend, I'm not gonna sit down the next day and be like "actually he made a very good point and I can now emotionally connect with him," I'm gonna be like "CUNT that shit hurt, I'm not gonna go there again." Sure it taught me not to fuck with HIM, but it didn't teach me not to fuck with some pussy-nobody who isn't capable of defending himself.

When I got together with some other dude's chick a while ago it wasn't his phone and email threats that made me realise what a tool I was, it was talking to the girl (and eventually him) afterwards, and experiencing their pain.

To clarify, I'm not trying to suggest that infidelity is by any means reasonable or acceptable. The shittiest I've ever felt was after being cheated on (which sort of shows what a comparatively easy life i've had in terms of emotional trauma), and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's experiencing that pain both personally and through somebody else that led me to grow up. Maybe getting beaten would have done too, but I doubt it.
So, since we are on the topic of cheating. Has anyone been the dude that a girl cheated on her boyfriend with?

Made out with some girl, then she introduced me to her boyfriend the next day. Our mutual friend said she really wanted to fuck me, but having met the boyfriend's muscular cousin I felt it wasn't really worth it. Allegedly they had some sort of open relationship or something, though.
If I ever got cheated on, I'd be much more angry with my bf, rather than the dude he was sleeping with.

Why be mad at the guy your girl slept with? It's your girl's fault entirely.
You people do realize it's entirely possible to be mad at more than one person when shit goes south, correct? And I would sincerely hope that if a guy was going to beat the fuck out of someone, they wouldn't rage on their girl - despite the major fuck-up.
I've been the "other woman" a few times. It's only exciting/thrilling/fun if you are completely disconnected from the lives of the people whose relationship you're pooping on. Normal humans with normal emotions can't keep up affairs and clandestine goings-on guilt-free without eventually wondering about the potential consequences of their actions.

I've cheated a lot in the past, pretty much on almost everyone I've dated except MP and it's been hard from time to time. Every time it has had nothing to do with the person I was with being defective or inadequate - I think it's possible to just like multiple people for entirely different reasons. It would never occur to me to cheat on a boyfriend with someone even slightly similar to him.

Some people just aren't wired for monogamy, and I'm one of them. MP is the complete opposite. It's okay though - IMO it's self-discipline that makes the difference - short people can become basketballers, people with hypothyroidism can be thin, blah blah blah.

It sure is fun to think about sometimes though.
Where the fuck do you guys meet women? I've exhausted my list of those I'm interested in that I already know (okay, it was just two). When I go out to meet ladies they tend to be vastly far too outgoing/wild. The mellow ones I do manage to meet tend to either be stoners or excessively religious. And good luck trying to meet a nice geeky chick that isn't either taken or at all physically attractive.