Males and Females

lolol Ozzman nice zinger!

Draele imo there's no shame in dating sites anymore. You just say you met at the location of your first date if people ask. I actually take back what I said earlier, I really don't know how I would meet dudes if I were single and looking if I didn't use the Internet. Meeting quality folks at bars etc is pretty hopeless most of the time. Dating sites are nice because you can sort of get to know a person before meeting her. The downside obviously is people whose pictures are deceptively flattering.

Zephyrus might be good to keep separate spheres for a while. How interested are you in religious girl? It might be fun to keep it casual/flirty before diving into possible relationship territory?
I met my current gf on and haven't regretted it. she's pretty awesome. I say give online dating a whirl. a lot of people live under rocks (me), and it's good to see them when otherwise you might not
Chick I really like and have been trying to work the courage up to ask out just asked me for my number on Facebook. I think I just won at life.
I wish that there were some chicks here that were actually dateable. :/ All the ones my age and older have moved off to college. :(
Behold my latest creation!



On a side note, I wish I could participate in this thread. I'm pretty sure no one here identifies with teetering between feelings like "I can't believe I'm so in love with you after all these years!", to "Could I actually get away with murder?", to "How do you get even more beautiful as you get older?", to "Being gay would be so awesome if I was sexually attracted to men, 'cause I can't stand bitches."
Anyway, back to lurking in this thread.
I disagree with this. Especially since she's still a part of your life, you probably should take into consideration how she feels about it. Of course it shouldn't exactly decide what you ultimately do, but it should definitely influence the way that you approach your decision in my opinion, and it may not even hurt to have a talk with her about you being ready to move on. Although, depending on how much longer you will be living together with her, it may just be prudent to wait on everything all together until you're in a different living arrangement.


Women have the deepest contempt for other women, especially "replacements". Not that this should stop you but I'd suggest yielding. Be very careful.
I just found out last night that my ex-girlfriend has been flirting with another guy and vice versa. I got it out of her while we were talking, which we still do every now and then because we promised to remain best friends (the way we were before we started dating). It sure hurts alot to hear it but I can't do anything about it. I'd like to go on a casual sex rampage but I just can't do it. Don't have the heart to.
I just found out last night that my ex-girlfriend has been flirting with another guy and vice versa. I got it out of her while we were talking, which we still do every now and then because we promised to remain best friends (the way we were before we started dating). It sure hurts alot to hear it but I can't do anything about it. I'd like to go on a casual sex rampage but I just can't do it. Don't have the heart to.

I would stop talking to her completely for a while. Block everything about her out of your life.
Are you going to go to college?

Hoping to, but as I've said before, student loans scare the shit out of me, as I've been pounding the pavement for the past year trying to look for a job and gotten absolutely nothing in the way of calls back, replies, anything. Looked up how much the course actually would cost, and it's in the 10,000 range.

I'm considering trying to sell myself for money at this point (LOL AS IF).
Cute girl keeps texting me in Greek. I'm texting back in French and German just to fuck with her. It's so amusing.

edit: whoop, she asked the age question. She's 19 and I just turned 22. Good match.