Males and Females

It's pretty hard to be friends with an ex unless you're both in similar stages. If one of you is single and the other has replaced you there will be an imbalance. If both of you are happily with new people, it feels much safer to accept that you're still attracted to each other while refraining from doing that terribly unproductive "wistful reminiscence" thing that women especially tend to do.

Then again I don't let anyone "in" and keep my heart in a tightly locked cage ever since my slightly traumatic first love in high school.

V5 - excite, have fun/good luck etc!
Good Luck!

My charms seem to be working so far! She has agreed to a coffee date some time next week. The shitty thing is she lives pretty far away (in buttfuck, Western MA on a horse farm) and we only coincide on campus two times a week (Monday and Wednesday). The good thing is we are both graduating in like 8 weeks so the future is kind of open, but I don't want to cross that bridge yet. All I have to say is I've had my eye on her for a while but never had the courage to do anything about it. Now that my goddamn balls have apparently finally dropped, I can take the damn chance and go for it. It feels good, definitely, but I also am not sure 100% of what I'm getting myself into. :lol:
So I'm talking to like four different people right now. One of them is a serious relationship, but is dissatisfied, and the others would be potential good matches. It's funny how these things come in bunches.
Wont having some nice boobs next to your body and your arm over a woman make you feel a bit more secure?
I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend wanted to fuck another guy as long as she told me. We don't like each other for sexual reasons, and she's very able to separate the emotional and physical. But then again, I'm weird.
Point taken. Although I am sincerely curious and not just out to make a point.

Obviously people in their twenties have sex; so we can assume they know how. What you seem to be arguing is that older people have an emotional or ethical maturity that inhibits promiscuity (or something like that; more specifically, it would inhibit two people who care about each other from ruining a casual relationship with sex). I'm arguing that there is no reason to assume: a) that older people are more ethically mature than people in their twenties, and b) that this "maturity" has anything to do with two people continually falling back into a sexual relationship.

Intelligent, successful, polite people rationalize how they can get sex all the time; sex is a huge motivational factor. This has nothing to do with immaturity; it's just biology. "Maturity" takes on an ideological significance in this situation because it attributes an illusory qualification to refraining from said behavior. In truth, what we perceive as "immaturity" tells us nothing about the true nature of why two people engage in said behavior; you can't just boil it down to "well, they're immature."

Immaturity is a completely relative and unreliable gauge of any behavior because there is no objective standard against which it can be measured. Qualifications of age are ideologically instituted (why can someone go fight in a war at age 18 but can't legally drink until 21; where's the "maturity cut-off"?).
So cute girl came to juggling club and had a lot of fun. We walked and talked for almost two hours afterward and toward the end I basically said that I knew she liked me and that it was in fact mutual. So we're going to take things slowly and get to know each other more (since we only really met less than two weeks ago). She's really spiritual but not a conformist to any denomination. It's a breath of fresh air, actually, to get to know someone who isn't a college atheist like much of them.

Oh, and one more thing....