Males and Females

This is much like me asking.......

Which would you guys pick.....
A,Average looking guy with a huge penis
B,Super sexy guy with an average penis
C,Both at the same damn time.
It sucks. Wanting things back for months, feeling absolutely lost, crushed, dead without her...then getting her back and feeling just as lost, crushed, and dead.

Sunshine and happiness, right guys? Thats what summers about :B
I had a dream about the ex. The dream was about us breaking up. That's it. The whole focus of it was us breaking up and me feeling like crap about it. I woke up feeling like utter shit. I don't know why, either, because it's already the case that we're broken up. I guess I try not to dwell on it and push it to the back of my mind, but that's obviously not getting rid of my feelings on the whole thing, it's just putting them somewhere else.

I don't know what's going on with me psychologically. I think I'm in denial or something, like I'm going to wake up tomorrow and we're going to be together. Maybe that's why I had that dream, because I'm in denial about it in my waking life or something (I don't know shit about dreams or psychology, obviously, but w/e.)

Being single is really not a cool thing, at least not right now. Some weird fucking German chick was hitting on me all night last night and I just couldn't handle it. It was pissing me off. The main reasons are: (1) I don't find her attractive, and (2) she is not my ex. There's my ex, a two hour drive away from me, who knows me and actually appreciates me for real, and then here's this other chick I don't know with her trifling shit. Normally I would feel flattered by incessant compliments, but last night it felt cheap and stupid and it was annoying. And another thing: every girl I meet seems like a complete retard compared to my ex. Whenever I start dating again, I'm asking bitches for IQ scores. I don't have anymore patience for idiots.

I had a dream about the ex.....FUCK!

I've been having dreams like this all the time, almost nightly. Gotten quite used to it but yeah it sucks, especially the ones where you wake up after a dream where things seemed to have resolved or things were back the good way they were. My dreams haven't involved really my crazy ex at all, but usually other exes and women in my life I've had/have things for.

I do differ from you on the other thing. I don't have feelings for my ex anymore...whatsoever. I valued her as a friend but when this shit went down, I lost interest in even maintaining a friendship...mainly because she made it that way. What I could use more than anything else now is a one-night stand with somebody I don't know (or at least don't really know). It would put a fuck ton more confidence back into me.

The past three years were formative for me in so many ways, and being single was not part of that identity I formed at all. But every day that I am single I get more comfortable with it. Time does that.
I have a girlfriend yet I had a dream about finering horse-chick, which is her friend. The worst thing is that it was really good. I have no feelings for her anymore, it just felt good. There's some sub-conciousness that you can do nothing about.

My polish shick is in Poland for the weekend and I feel lonery. I should post some pictures of her btw.

EDIT: So I can feel even lonelier until she returns.
Zeph, you were with her for 1.5-2 years and just valued her "as a friend?" No offense, but that sounds like a weird relationship. Although any relationship based on juggling is bound to be.
Good news everybody!

My penis entered a vagina last night for the first time in six weeks. It may be entering a vagina again tonight.