Males and Females

which would you guys prefer if you needed to choose between:

a very pretty girl with a loose pussy

or a just-okay girl with a tight pussy?

I choose Vacant Planets.

Anyways, this reminds of me this weird dream I had this week. There was this hot girl from my school who I've never spoken to and all of a sudden she seduced me on my bed, but at the moment she wanted me to finger her, she took on a somewhat clownlike transformation, but I still fingered her. Her pussy was larger than any I ever fingered, but she still seemed to enjoy it. It was weird, but I still had my way with her. It's too bad she wasn't like her real form. Oh well.

Pffft. Unlike you peasants, I can afford an actual woman.

I would pick (A) for aug's question and (B) for Vacant Planet's question. The equipment is never as important as who/what is attached to it. Besides huge dicks are no good unless you enjoy a ripping sensation where your perineum actually tears and bleeds, and you feel a rectovaginal fistula is imminent.
It'd be a change of pace from the abloo-bloo about ex-gf theme that has been the undercurrent of this thread for a few dozen pages.

But, breakups are tough and people need places to vent so that's fair.

Oh horrors, a thread designed for us to work out our problems/issues/questions regarding GENUINE interaction/intercourse between Males and Females. Heaven forbid such a dreadful environment be permitted existence anywhere on the internet!
I intended it to be the "whining and bitching" thread about relationships/hopeless attempts at snaring potential mates, yeah.

Sorry I'm all about the extremely shitty desperate grappling at puns/making jokes today.
You wrote that sentence to cover your ass. Good job.

Or maybe the first sentence was an actual light-hearted jest that was in line with a previous comment about overly emotional men on this forum.

But, do what you want. Take it to heart if you want and get angry about something incredibly trivial that you choose to interpret in a certain way.
Whatever. It seemed inappropriate given not only the context of several members' recent romantic hardships, but also an exhausted trope given aug's shameless exploits.

edit: you really blew it saying you paid for it. Otherwise I would have applauded you. I don't value women that low, sorry.