Males and Females

I don't like the way American dudes stare and gawk at chicks, makes me feel violated.

I think that sort of thing is even worse in places like Italy and Spain. I daresay American guys are tame by comparison. You're just not used to this because you live in a place where, as far as I can tell, nobody looks at each other.
set up a meeting with this escort girl tomorrow

i'll try to get pics of myself with her just for you guys

Damn dude, she looks fuckin hot.
Baby baby, why can't we just stay together? Yeah-eeee-Yeaah
Baby baby, why can't we just stay forever?
Holy crap, okcupid weirdness: By accident I just came across the profile of the girl I went to my senior prom with (fucking 9 years ago). Russian chick, quite attractive, extremely cool. I haven't seen this girl in years. I sent her a message saying hi and expressing how awkward it was to come across somebody I actually know. I wonder how weirded out she'll be. :zombie:

Single mother is still messaging me. :zombie:

I'm going to find you and give you the thumbs up. I suggest you return the favor.
I slept with the doggie again. I have his fur all over my mac. I‘m surprised my chick is not angry at me because I asked what we had been doing the previous evening. But I don‘t know, she just offers me alcohol all the time because she knows I like to drink. While there is usually not enough alcohol in my presence, she just has it and I drink my balls off.

Also, I think she lost a pound or two because she seriously looks better than ever.
I just signed up to OkCupid.

One thing I've noticed is that when I meet new people, I never get beyond a certain stage with them. I just carry on with the same decade old friends and have the new people stay at the casual acquaintance level. I think it might be because of how awful I am at first impressions. Still, all of this shit is improving.
I searched "Cythraul" and found nothing. I'm Beherit77 and my profile is pretty damn stupid.

Ah, well, my name isn't Cythraul over there. I'm Meta-Induction.

Spredsheeth0ar here. Long story about the name; don't feel like getting into it right now. I take it kinda seriously, so that's why my profile will probably be gay to you guys. Feel free to send me winks!!!1

Can I ask you guys about internet dating? Clearly you partake in it, but what lead you to it? Horrible time finding women in the real world? It's easier to present yourself online?

As it states in my profile, I am terribly shy around people I don't know well. This includes women I find attractive. I get really awkward and say dumb shit around them. I find it much easier to present myself online as I find that my writing skills trump both my interpersonal skills and my phone skills.

I don't have the best track record with teh wimminz, so I resorted to online dating. I met my ex girlfriend on there and I hooked up with this other chick and that's about it. I went on a couple dates with this other girl recently, but I don't think she's interested enough to want a third date as I told her to plan the date and she hasn't said anything about it for a few weeks.

There are forums there (just add and I started out MAINLY on there as your forums posts showed up in your feed and then the administrators got away from making the forum a focal point of the site. It's still up and it's pretty much /b/ city there (except without all the cp). There are some people in the general forum who get on video chat every weekend. I am one of those people. You'll see me in the forums every now and then.
Ah, well, my name isn't Cythraul over there. I'm Meta-Induction.

I don't really take my profile very seriously either. Most people are like "I have dreams and goals and I'm outgoing and I like to try new things and just experience life to the fullest." Ugh, fucking GAY.

Speaking of okcupid: judging by my "success" over there - which isn't too bad for the amount of time I've been there - I am far more successful irl. I seriously get tons more interest from girls at the goth club on 80s night (maybe it's the dancing). I dunno, somehow I'm much less appealing on the internet, OR most of the chicks on okcupid suffer from princess syndrome. Fuck the internet.

Eh, I never really try to get girls in person, something I figured would change after I'd had a handful of brews in me at a party sometime. But I RARELY get any bitches to message me back. I'm going to start just being a blunt as possible and say something like "Alright here's the deal, I think your profile is atrocious but I think you are cute. Let's fuck."