Males and Females

I can't fucking start a conversation with any random girl !
Like two days ago, i was in an Anathema gig, a LOT of hot girls, I couldn't even start a conv with any of them, not even about music (as it seemed it's one of their interests). Fuck my life.
I can't fucking start a conversation with any random girl !
Like two days ago, i was in an Anathema gig, a LOT of hot girls, I couldn't even start a conv with any of them, not even about music (as it seemed it's one of their interests). Fuck my life.

Welcome to my life, but in an environment like that it's a bit easier as you have something in common with them since you're all there to see the same band.

This is a problem when going up to random chicks at the bar. I don't know what the fuck they like except alcohol
It's not like you have to spark a full conversation the second you say something to them. If at a concert, try to talk to them between sets, or even between songs, and just make some remark about absolutely anything (band sucked/ruled, that guy looks funny, etc) and see how she responds.

Same thing with a bar, you don't really need to know anything about the other person before you talk to them. One of the dangers of intensely looking and finding a "good" conversational topic is that you don't want to move away from it because you are comfortable talking about it. You're going to end up boring her to death when you are hitting the 45-min mark on discussing how much you love your iPhone.
God sent me a challenge last night, a test of sorts, and I passed with flying colors.

The challenge was tall, dark and muscular with green eyes (my favorite) and tattoos (also enjoyable) and a square jaw and stubble, and it wanted a piece of krampus in the worst way. Beer flowed like wine and there was dancing and tequila shots and sloppiness. God arranged it so that I had to go home with said challenge because my friends ditched us (aka were so wasted they just left without saying anything - it was well past last train in a city I don't know well). It would have been really fun, but I didn't even want to so saying "no" was easy.

And I'm showing incredible self-restraint by not making any one of the several smart-assed and juvenile comments that blossomed in my mind when I read this post. :lol:
Small talk sucks. I'm terrible at it even with other dudes. It's just a matter of getting past that awkward "let's talk about something incredibly generic until some common ground can be established and the real discussion can begin." I almost wish we could just have tags on ourselves like on so we could size people up at a glance.

(PC gamer, Music lover: Metal/Electronic, Texas Hold'em player, Libertarian, Loves spicy food, Hates lima beans. Loves movies, hates TV. Not interested in fatties or guys.)
It's not like you have to spark a full conversation the second you say something to them. If at a concert, try to talk to them between sets, or even between songs, and just make some remark about absolutely anything (band sucked/ruled, that guy looks funny, etc) and see how she responds.

Same thing with a bar, you don't really need to know anything about the other person before you talk to them. One of the dangers of intensely looking and finding a "good" conversational topic is that you don't want to move away from it because you are comfortable talking about it. You're going to end up boring her to death when you are hitting the 45-min mark on discussing how much you love your iPhone.

Good advice.
Man-Purse doesn't read forums unless they're about guitar parts or computers. Saparmurat I am interested in what you have to say, smartassery rules.

Small talk is tricky. Sometimes a smile and a second or two of eye contact does wonders. CyanideChrist's advice is good. Do not prattle on about one topic for too long. I've found that jokes and little comments here and there are the way to go when talking to randoms in casual settings like shows or bars. Hell even bump into her and apologize profusely and ask her name (not recommended for greenhorns and those who lack confidence).
I hate small talk. My girl, all the time, says "Tell me something," and as soon as she says that, my mind goes blank, because I am completely incapable of discussing things that are completely unimportant. It makes me feel absolutely inadequate, that I can't make small talk. She's very intelligent, but she's more of a scientist than a philosopher.
I hate small talk. My girl, all the time, says "Tell me something," and as soon as she says that, my mind goes blank, because I am completely incapable of discussing things that are completely unimportant.

I have grown capable of it, but I loathe every minute of "Some weather we're having" bullshit.
Hell even bump into her and apologize profusely and ask her name (not recommended for greenhorns and those who lack confidence).

Haha this actually DOES work in rare cases..

Anyway last night I discovered the greatest pick-up scenario ever..just have a burger in your hand on the night train :D

It was around 3am when I went to Burger King, got myself a Double Whopper and some fries (no soda) and got on the night train home. Two girls sit on the seats adjacent to me and begin to stare at me. I look once, they stare, I look a second time and they are still staring. I ask them "Is there a problem" and they respond by saying, "we want your burger", so naturally I don't hand them my burger, but I share some fries. All is good until about 8 minutes into the train ride when they start staring again, so I smile back and hand them some more fries, and next thing I know, they hand me an old train ticket with a smeared lipstick-kiss on it and one of the girls phonenumbers on the back of it. She texted me later telling me how drunk she was and I realized I totally could have had more fries if I hadn't shared it with them :erk: either way it was the easiest I've ever had to get a girls phone number
Welcome to my life, but in an environment like that it's a bit easier as you have something in common with them since you're all there to see the same band.

This is a problem when going up to random chicks at the bar. I don't know what the fuck they like except alcohol

I don't fucking seeing them anywhere else such (rare) gigs !

It's not like you have to spark a full conversation the second you say something to them. If at a concert, try to talk to them between sets, or even between songs, and just make some remark about absolutely anything (band sucked/ruled, that guy looks funny, etc) and see how she responds.

Same thing with a bar, you don't really need to know anything about the other person before you talk to them. One of the dangers of intensely looking and finding a "good" conversational topic is that you don't want to move away from it because you are comfortable talking about it. You're going to end up boring her to death when you are hitting the 45-min mark on discussing how much you love your iPhone.

Good advice haha ! The thing was, all the girls where making out with their bfs over Anathema music :erk:

There's nothing more gratifying than a comfortable silence.

There's nothing more gratifying than a comfortable silence.

That's one thing I really like about Japanese people - you're not expected to fill up pauses with noise or futile chatter and it's cool to just sit there and say stuff when you feel like it, and sit quietly otherwise.

MP and I have been together for almost 4 years and we haven't run out of things to talk about, but we are really comfortable with just doing our own thing when we feel like it. We hang out maybe 2 weekends per month which doesn't sound like a lot but I really think it keeps things fresh. Familiarity is nice, but being around someone a lot means you eventually have to fart around him/her which I'm not OK with.

I wonder how he's doing...haven't talked in a couple days.
OK here time for a little "Densha Otoko" action. I'm sure there will be some troll responses but earnest suggestions are welcome too. No guarantee I'll actually pay attention but here we go

So today is Man-Purse's birthday. He is 25. He's in NY and I'm in Japan but we're gonna hang out in NY next week. I want to do something really nice for his birthday. His favorite things are cookie dough ice cream, Maury and Pizza Hut. Dudes are SO hard to buy for and I'm not sure what sort of date activities would be ideal since he'll be driving me around.
