Males and Females

I must live in a strange plane of existence where there are sane women that are not emulations of the females in Ragecomics.
I must live in a strange plane of existence where there are sane women that are not emulations of the females in Ragecomics.

There are more men than women on this forum so you're going to hear more negative remarks about women, especially in regards to relationships. If this forum was primarily used by women, you would hear the same level of negativity towards men and past or existing relationships.

Anyway, I got Hot Nurse's voicemail again and decided that I really needed to tell her how I felt because I thought it was the right thing to do so that she knew where I stood. I basically said I like everything about her and this includes her personality (which she worried was too strong for me).

This will either make her very happy or freak her out and then I can stop worrying about this whole thing because I'll have an answer.
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Anyway, I got Hot Nurse's voicemail again and decided that I really needed to tell her how I felt because I thought it was the right thing to do so that she knew where I stood. I basically said I like everything about her and this includes her personality (which she worried was too strong for me).

This will either make her very happy or freak her out and then I can stop worrying about this whole thing because I'll have an answer.

Voicemail :erk:

I usually won't even leave voicemails about non-important stuff. I also normally don't check my voicemails either, I just see I have a missed call and call the person right back. Why waste the extra time checking a voicemail?
This girl I used to like back when the age difference wasn't weird invited me to a play she's in. I immediately thought of that pickup artist web site. I'm probably not going to go, anyway. I know I can pretty much see the school from my house and get there in two minutes tops, but I'm not a big fan of plays. I'll probably only go if a friend who's going invites me.
Voicemail :erk:

Yeah, but I think it was the only way it was going to get done because usually I call her and it will go to voicemail and then I'll get a text 20 minutes later. It was/is really annoying that she wouldn't call me back when she got the time.

I usually won't even leave voicemails about non-important stuff. I also normally don't check my voicemails either, I just see I have a missed call and call the person right back. Why waste the extra time checking a voicemail?

I feel the same way. Whenever I call my parents and I get their voicemail, I never leave a message. I usually just call them back later if they don't call me back within an hour or so.
Oh boy. You still haven't seen her again?

Women ARE crazy, I am completely insane. I am still hanging out with porkpal a lot (like, 4-5 times a week...); he is completely crazy about me and offers to do stuff like take me to Montreal for a weekend on his dime. I like him OK but not "in love" or anything, it's something to do for fun. I still think I'll eventually get bored of this and probably move to Texas to be with MP if he's still available in a few months. Like I said, insane.
Don't be that girl that calls back after a few months just because they want something.
Oh boy. You still haven't seen her again?

Women ARE crazy, I am completely insane. I am still hanging out with porkpal a lot (like, 4-5 times a week...); he is completely crazy about me and offers to do stuff like take me to Montreal for a weekend on his dime. I like him OK but not "in love" or anything, it's something to do for fun. I still think I'll eventually get bored of this and probably move to Texas to be with MP if he's still available in a few months. Like I said, insane.

Nah, we had dinner this past week.
I'll take that as a 'Yes', so why would your woman continue to play games with you while together? That doesn't seem very conducive to a long lasting relationship

Because bitches be crazy yo? I dunno why. All I know is that it's annoying and all the women I've ever known have done it to some extent.
I met a girl on omegle that described herself as forever alone. We had a conversation in memes. So one piece of my perfect girl exists in the world. That is good.
Because bitches be crazy yo? I dunno why. All I know is that it's annoying and all the women I've ever known have done it to some extent.

She must be worth the trouble of playing games then. As far as I'm concerned, no woman is worth playing games with at this point in my life. Maybe I'm just too aloof or I think other shit in my life is important, but I'm done. I'm not fucking doing it anymore.
All women do games and bullshit. The difference with 'assertive women', or 'women with strong personalities' is that they are smarter and make you feel like they aren't doing games and bullshit when they're actually doing worse games and bullshit.

While this may be the case for 99% of girls, I've met some that do not do "games and bullshit", and are extremely chill, non-giving-a-fuck people.