Males and Females

I wish I had some women in my life. I think there have been too many bad tales about me going around.
I wish I had some women in my life. I think there have been too many bad tales about me going around.

Or maybe it's the fact that you act like a sociopath all the time?? All these women supposedly hit on you and you turn them down and then you wonder why there are no women in your life?

You trollin', bro?
So, I set up another blind date for last night and it was fucking effortless. I connected with this chick on no level I've ever experienced. Intelligent, funny, driven and attractive...and into me. Is my life finally going to the right places?

Anyway, I got a text from Hot Nurse yesterday morning saying she would call me that day, but she never did. I'm kicking her to the curb. Enough of the flakiness for me.
Got a message from hot red-head Xtian ex saying "I love you!" today. Of course I reciprocated. I'm just confused at this point. Tomorrow night is a long way away in terms of how things go with her. Jesus.
Decided to take an impulse flight to Singapore to catch up with some friends. I've been hanging out with a girl I met the last time I was here and it's been great, we hit it off like we did the last time when I met her. She's intelligent, funny, gorgeous and very different to a lot of singaporeans I know (another story). Unfortunately nothing can come out of it because of the distance between us. This is possibly the first girl I have wanted to be with after my ex and have thought of as more than a piece of ass. Ah well, shit happens. We'll see what happens in the next few days.
Or maybe it's the fact that you act like a sociopath all the time?? All these women supposedly hit on you and you turn them down and then you wonder why there are no women in your life?

That hasn't happened since I came back after summer really. Some girl's said he's cute and giggled as I was walking past, but that's it.
That hasn't happened since I came back after summer really. Some girl's said he's cute and giggled as I was walking past, but that's it.

It’s a shame that you have to refuse so many women hitting on you, right? One can’t satisfy everybody.
Decided to take an impulse flight to Singapore to catch up with some friends. I've been hanging out with a girl I met the last time I was here and it's been great, we hit it off like we did the last time when I met her. She's intelligent, funny, gorgeous and very different to a lot of singaporeans I know (another story). Unfortunately nothing can come out of it because of the distance between us. This is possibly the first girl I have wanted to be with after my ex and have thought of as more than a piece of ass. Ah well, shit happens. We'll see what happens in the next few days.

It’s a shame that you have to refuse so many women hitting on you, right? One can’t satisfy everybody.

It's like 10 girls in my entire life. I don't see why mentioning it get's people butthurt. It's obvious that being forever alone afterwards makes me regret it. I'm basically admitting to being socially awkward so I don't really see how anyone can find it pretentious or worthy of jealousy. Also, before I get accused of repeatedly talking about it, ozz brought it up.

So excuse me while I measure my jawline and penis and read more of the "the game"...
Anyone in the US hit up a good old whorehouse recently? I wonder if the prostitution rings here are rather underground, or are at sub-internet levels. It seems like Europe has a much different rulebook in terms of such things.
Ex did end up coming over to spend the night. Had no serious discussions, cuddled all night. She just left and kissed me goodbye. God did I miss sleeping with a woman in my embrace.
Cuddle to death

Cuddle with ex
cuddle to death
it’s better than sex
it’s better than meth

Not for me, dear son
not for augified person
deepthroat my micromember
curvaceous body I dismember